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Trolling the crazies

Boxdoc 7 June 8
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What do they do? Burn all people different than themselves?


Now that IS hilarious!


Just when you thought it couldn't get any weirder

bobwjr Level 10 June 8, 2019

Chapter 6699. Hmmm.

Metahuman Level 7 June 8, 2019

That makes as much sense as a straight pride parade!

You bring up a good point.

Actually there was a Straight Pride Parade (not anti-gay, just pro-straight) attempting to get a permit in NY last week. The LGBT community was all over it. Go figure.
Fair is Fair, Everyone or No One

@Boxdoc yes, I know that... That's why I brought it up... Both are absurd...

@Boxdoc A group calling itself "Super Happy Fun America" did get a permit in Boston for a Straight Pride Parade at the end of August. And it's not just the LGBTQ community that's all over it; it's everybody, because it's fucking ridiculous. This is just a bunch of little boys crying because they didn't get a present in somebody else's birthday.


We're all the same on the inside.

Sorry, we're all the same on the outside.

brentan Level 8 June 8, 2019

Ha ha. Well, you don't see that every day.
I wish it were clearer, but I think the fine print says "Spongebod Squarepants fan club meeting in Tyron's mom's basement! Wednesdays at 2:30 pm."

scurry Level 9 June 8, 2019

That's what I saw, also. Somebody has a twisted sense of humor with which I identify. The only thing missing is a full page ad with this picture, in the Atlanta newspaper. Front page even better.

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