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Subway cancels new ad campaign....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 July 22
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Probably likes the little innocent virgin young girls since he probably has a tiny weiner and that's the only way he can make contact. Creep asshole. I hope he goes to prison and has sex ( I mean gets raped) by the big guys.

Duchess Level 7 July 22, 2019

Yeah - like he has a foot long LMAO


LMAO I am really wondering how many of you get this...^^^^

Not me anyway.

@brentan I Probably because you're not in the US? Jared was a previous spokesman for Subway who was convicted of child pornography content on his computer, and dip-shit in the picture (Jeff Epstein) is a long-time child abuser and old friend of trump.

Ah. Thanks for that!

@SiouxcitySue Yes - thanks for that. I knew who Jared was, but had no clue who that guy was.

@scurry Geeze I tagged it with his name even...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Ah, so you did... but do people look at tags?

@scurry Many people don't even look at the intro statement and only check the meme instead....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz hmmm. I think I read Meme first, then the Post text, then the comments.
I've only ever used tags to search.

@scurry I try to lead in with a good intro to help make the meme more amusing...

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