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You ain’t getting the job

Rudy1962 9 Aug 3
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OMG! That's too funny.


Another reason to have multiple FB accounts.

Or be like me, and not have ANY!!

@Logician Some employers insist you have a FB account so you can give the company a like. Additionally, they want to showcase the kind of people they have working for them.

This also means they can check up on your account to see if you're advocating unpopular politics, views and your visit to the gay pride parade or marijuana glaze in.

Therefore it's why I advocate multiple accounts that the employer doesn't know about.

I kid you not: Petunia hates social networks, including FB but was forced to get one by her former employer. Now she shutters every time a member of her large extended family wants to share a selfie. Her idea of a fun evening is keep the TV on while she shops on the Internet. She doesn't want her phone ringing five times a day from a cousins, aunts, and uncles who wants to show off their newest, best picture with their puppy dog.

If I wasn't retired, and some company was forcing me to have an FB account for ANY reason, I'd be challenging them on that. WHY do I have to submit my personal life to scrutiny by people I don't know? If the managers want false praise heaped on them, they can go chant praises into a mirror all day long!!
Do these companies also dictate how many hours per day or week you have to access your account too? How many pictures and postings you have to make? By what law do they enforce those crazy demands??
The word is shudder.
If she doesn't want people calling her with their inane talk and pictures, she needs to grow a spine and just tell them so!

@Logician >If she doesn't want people calling her with their inane talk and pictures, she needs to grow a spine and just tell them so!

Not people. Family. It's paramount to tell your own family off.

Good luck in making a federal case over a boss insisting you have a Facebook account and still hanging onto a job. It's typical for bosses to insist you own a cell phone so they can contact you during your off hours as well.

Whomever it may be, it makes no difference to me. If I don't want to hear useless information from someone, I will tell them in no uncertain terms.
The NLRB might not like someone getting fired because they weren't self centered enough to want an FB or any other "social media" account.
Back when I worked for the power company So Cal Edison into 1999, they issued me a pager, which I refused to wear on me or even take home until they could prove to me that it wouldn't harm my health. That shut them up pretty damn quickly!! My foreman, Fred, he was all about pagers and then cell phones, and guess what? He got colorectal cancer and almost died from it. I saw a picture of him after he had "recovered", and he looked like he'd died three times over! My friend Tom got bladder cancer from his phone being in his pocket all of the time, Portia got ovarian cancer and died from it, and she always kept her cell phone clamped over her waist band on her right side from when she got dressed in the morning until she went to bed at night. My friend Bud has a bare patch of skin on his left thigh, in the exact size and shape of his "smart" phone that he used to keep there! So don't tell me that devices that spew out microwave radiation at two to three second intervals are safe and must be kept on your body for any reason.

@Logician > If I don't want to hear useless information from someone, I will tell them in no uncertain terms.

Why don't you want to see your cousin Sissy Sue's latest baby? What you got against Sissy? You'll be off the list of family gatherings if you don't do the required ooh and awe.

>The NLRB might not like someone getting fired because they weren't self centered enough to want an FB or any other "social media" account.

Dude, you haven't read enough human relation journals. The art is if you've refused to go along with company policy is to find something they can fire you for.

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