4 11

A little White Rabbit, something to remember me by as I cross the country over the next week.

glennlab 10 Aug 6
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Happy trails!! 🙂
Bring us back some far-fetched memes. 😀

scurry Level 9 Aug 6, 2019

Once upon a time, a wise woman said, "fuck this shit", and she lived happily ever after.

Safe travels.
Write if you get work.
Send money.


KKGator Level 9 Aug 6, 2019

always have the prescription with you in case you get pulled over too

I always have the VA printout in my glove compartment and all the drugs except for the current week in their orginal containers. Been search more than once which makes you more cognizant of the rules.


Be safe in your travels Glenn.😉

Thanks, has your passion vine taken hold?

@glennlab yes! I finally got them in the ground. I was only able to get one purple one to grow, but have three of the lighter ones. No flowers yet, but at least they are growing in the ground.

@Redheadedgammy my first ones weren't planted until august their first year, so you should be good to go. Once they get happy, you should see some blooms in September if not sooner.

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