6 4

He may be on her payroll.. 😄

Captain_Feelgood 8 Aug 26
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Busy again this weekend with your sheet on and your little pointy hat ?????

GEGR Level 7 Aug 28, 2019

Ooooh yaaaay.... Look everyone.. GEGR is back.. Dude, what happened to your last thread here? I was rather enjoying the friendly banter.. 🤣 Wait, wait, let me pull the string... okay.. GO

@Captain_Feelgood Do you have another Sheet and Pointy hat appointment this weekend like last week in Hillsboro, NC ??? We will be looking for you on Facebook and the NC news .

Umm.. you already said that @GEGR .. Did you stop taking your Alzheimer pills again? tsk tsk... shame on you..😏🙄😒


Because tax cuts for the rich have always worked so well...

Yeah,, and raising taxes on everyone so the politicians could have more power has always worked so great for the masses.. 🙄😒👍


Nice try conspiracy-heads! 😆

MojoDave Level 9 Aug 26, 2019

Thought it was all trump

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 26, 2019

Stolen! Great meme.


Considering that Epstein was in Federal custody with Trump appointee Barr in charge I think it is downright religious to blame the Clintons for this one....

So sorry you can't take a joke.... okay,, not really.. 🤣

@Captain_Feelgood Trump voters are jokes...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz How would you know? 🤣

@Captain_Feelgood use you prove my point so well...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Hopefully one day you'll see, the joke is on you... 😄

@Captain_Feelgood I won't I don't vote for Christo-fascists because I don't want to go to #TrimpsBedBugResort

@Lizard_of_Ahaz If you always vote Democrat... that's pretty much all you vote for.. In case you didn't know, every Democrat IS a fascist, and claims to belong to one 'god loving' religion or another... So go ahead and proclaim you're some sort of voting oddity if you want to. 🤣 And I wouldn't worry to much about staying at any of Trumps Hotels...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Umm... I've actually stayed at a couple of his places, and never got bug bites, or food poisoning.. And look,,, still got plenty of dough in the bank..YAAAAAY... 😁 So glad you could come back to visit though. Cheers 🙄😂

@Captain_Feelgood Have you heard his 2020 campaign theme song?... Keep going there we won't miss you when you are gone...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Eeewwwwe... dude ,, that's some creepy shit there. But I see Creepy Joe is now losing in the polls to Pocahontas, so there's that.. OOOH,, you mean Trump is the creepy one? Haaaahahaha... Not really when compared to Biden.. Now THAT dude is creepy.. And your choice in music is a bit creepy as well. But hey, what ever blows your skirt up.. 😁

@Captain_Feelgood Proof of the Overwhelming Ignorance .

@GEGR And racism as well as...

@GEGR, @Captain_Feelgood
Like Trump they both pay for their followers...

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