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A few political ones. Feel free to disagree

Rudy1962 9 Sep 8
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Excellent ones

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 9, 2019

I really do pretty much hate Ann Coulter. HE is such an evil dick! Great stuff.

Sticks48 Level 9 Sep 8, 2019

Those are great Rudy . #2 , new screen for my phone . Man , I will miss my bat one , but this is " home " too .
U have the BEST memes !!!! Thank u !

Pralina1 Level 9 Sep 8, 2019

Ahhh now I’m blushing 😊


Nailed it.


Over 40,000 deaths from auto/truck crashes per year
Over 79,000 deaths from diabetes
Over 88,000 deaths from alcohol abuse
Over 100,000 deaths from measles per year (World Wide)
Over 480,000 deaths from tobacco per year
Over 610,000 deaths from heart disease per year
Over 630,000 deaths from abortion per year
And you focus on guns. Are you concerned about saving lives or pushing a political agenda?

Boxdoc Level 7 Sep 8, 2019

And all the issues you mentioned are regulated. As far as abortion being deaths. So you are okay with the increase in mass shootings? Wow.

They are always working to improve and erase deaths from auto/truck, there are always inovations.
They've been improving diabetes stats for decades, and a lot comes down to what insurance will pay for.
Alcoholism is a disease that we actively work to identify and cure.
We have a vaccination for measles
The health risks from tobacco are well advertised and regulated.
Heart disease, seriously?
Abortion involves clumps of cells, not full grown ass humans.

We are working to resolve all the issues you mentioned, but aren't doing a dang thing to be able to just go to the store, or an entertainment venue, or school without fear and death. Shove off.

@CommonHuman good answer. Glad you weren’t as lazy as me with my half ass response 🤪🤪

There are no deaths from abortion.
And guns have no use other than death

Really?!?! Measles outbreaks are regulated? Since when? Diabetes and alcohol deaths are regulated? Who sets the quotas? How do they arrive at those numbers?
WHO is OK with an increase of death by guns, except for the ones who want to ban us from having our liberty teeth? Why don't the politicos fire all of their armed guards then to show us how it's done?

@Logician well I was using regulated as a broad term. Yes alcohol is heavily regulated when it is a danger to other people: driving while intoxicated, open container laws, drinking in a deer stand. Measles shots, treatment for diabetes? Obviously measles and diabetes are addressed as a medical issue. And since you want to “nit pick” word usage: In reference to the above meme you said he would not see many gun shot wounds unless he was an ER doctor. Dude! He says right in the first sentence he’s an ER doctor.

Again, if more guns made a country safer we would be the safest country on Earth. However, we have a higher rate of gun fatalities than other countries. Hell, the shooter in Odessa, Texas started his rampage by having contact with armed officers. Armed guards are different than every Dick and Chump packing heat. Why doesn’t the RNC allow firearms into their conventions?


HAH!! What a LAUGH!! Just how many parents has that sawbones had to break the bad news to, of losing a child from a gun shot wound?? One or two in a whole career would be a lot, if he's not an ER doctor! Then, on the other hand, how many people has he killed due to his medical malpractice?? Oh, I'm sure that he doesn't even bother remembering more than one or two names of his victims there!! 250K deaths directly attributable to doctors a YEAR doesn't even get an eye bat from the lame stream media or the idiots like I keep seeing posting their illogical biases here.
EVERYONE who is anti-gun needs to put a big sign up in their front yard, proclaiming to everyone passing by that they live in a gun free home and take the locks off their doors too if they believe in open borders.

Logician Level 7 Sep 8, 2019

Based on your reasoning them America should be very safe because of the number of guns we have. It also isn’t “anti-gun”. It is anti assault rifles and pro regulation

Oh, but what about the assault hammers? How many of THOSE are you looking to ban?

What ??
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I see at least 3 gun shot wounds every week ! At least ! And that's Bcz I rarely work wknds !
Where do u live ? In the woods ?

@Logician there are no mass-murders caused by hammers. You are suffering from a mental illness.

You aren't going to get laid here. The women here are smart.

A murder victim is a murder victim. Go ask ANYONE if they prefer to be murdered by a gun in a crowd, or by someone with a hammer close up. I'm pretty darn sure that they will say that they don't want to be murdered at all!!
The number of people murdered by hammers/blunt objects FAR outweigh the number murdered by rifles. So why not ban those? The number of people killed by a doctor is far higher still, so why aren't you protesting about that and banning doctors?? ANY gun that is used to kill, wound or maim somebody is an assault weapon. Why? Because they were ASSAULTED with it!! DUUUHHH!!! You can even have an assault white cane, if someone is assaulted with it! Or is a rifle that looks like a military issued gun suddenly transformed into a device that requires a scary sounding name attached to it??
Please jump off of that politically correct band wagon meme and start thinking on your own, if you can.
Yeah, like you get laid regularly here?? Get real.

@Logician I will repeat it slowly for you: THERE ARE NO MASS-MURDERS CAUSED BY HAMMERS. I think trouble with reading comprehension qualifies as a learning disability.


Oh, but in Tallahassee FIVE, count 'em FIVE people were stabbed by some guy with a KNIFE today!! So why can't somebody armed with a hammer go into a crowd of people and knock several of them on their head before someone pulls out a gun to stop him/her?? Five stabbings is a mass stabbing, is it not? Or do you think that all hammers are one use items or cannot be reloaded in time to kill more than one man or woman?? Ban high capacity hammers then??
How about the mass murders that were committed by Guillotines in France during their revolution? Are those men and women any less dead than the ones killed by guns? They may not commit murders in large numbers at one place and time, but look at how many people are killed by cops! Are those victims any less dead because they were spread out over time and space??
If you don't like guns, put up a sign in your front yard telling the world that you live in a gun free home! Lead us by your fine example, not telling us sane people what we cannot do.

@Logician and you are using all this bullshit to defend your worship of guns?

I know how to use them effectively, I admire well made guns, I respect guns and their power to change things.
But I have NEVER worshiped them!
Since you have not yet and never will tell the world passing by your home that it's gun free, and you have not taken the doors off of your home, it is plain to see that you are a proven hypocrite!!


Nailed Ann, other 2 are good.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 8, 2019
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