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Spaceman Spiff finds love.

WonderWartHog99 8 Sep 15
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Where no spaceman has gone before.

scurry Level 9 Sep 15, 2019

Hold the Vasoline.

Why? Has someone put sand in it?

@FrayedBear If she already has her panties off, she is hot, wet and ready for sex. No Vaseline required. It's one of those things they leave out in high school sex ed. There's a ton of stuff they leave out of sex ed. I got all the way through high school sex ed and nobody had mentioned clit. It was like they didn't know what it was.

@WonderWartHog99 hence why some barbarians cultures want it cut off!

@FrayedBear My high school barbarians told me to shut up when I'd ask about things like S&M or "What do lesbians do, anyway?" Goodness, I did a ton of outside reading.

@WonderWartHog99 I was once jeered at by barbarians for choosing to read a dictionary during a wet lunch break. On a years later occasion I was the fall guy when a freshly purloined copy of Playboy was put on my desk and everyone crowded round to get a rise out of a very tall young teacher. His reaction was over the top leaving me very much suspecting his orientation. Interestingly when I was sent to the headmaster 3 or 4 days later the Playboy waved in front of me was no longer in pristine condition but looked as if every master in a 500 pupil school had grubbily masturbated over it. - agh, 50 year memories of life lessons.

@FrayedBear My old university keeps Playboy on microfiche. Last I heard the publishers are considering going out of business. In it's heyday it was one the top literary magazines. Once the managing editor/owner retired, the literary quality went down the tubes.

Some critics blame the internet for allowing free porno on line instead.


Put him in foot deep !

GEGR Level 7 Sep 15, 2019

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