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Barkeep! Another round until I start looking good.

WonderWartHog99 8 Sep 15
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I shouldn't laugh...

scurry Level 9 Sep 15, 2019


"Of course it's skol. It's got ice in it" -- Dean Martin.

@WonderWartHog99 Akvavit?

@scurry That means vodka made with potatoes, typically from Scandinavia. If you're living in Scandinavia, do you need ice?

Once a gringo goes abroad, they become aware how big their ice addiction is.

@WonderWartHog99 I know what it is... You said "Skol!" So I offered you some Akvavit.

@scurry Ah, skol is known as the Viking version of the American version of "here's mud in your eye" or the English version of "cheers" and so on. There are many versions of "shut up and have a drink already."

If you had too many you speak with slurred speech and skol sounds like "cold"?

QED "Skol? Of course it is, it's got ice in it."

He who laughs last didn't get the joke.

@WonderWartHog99. Yes, I know. Thats why I ofered the Aqvavit.
Why do you assume nobody knows anything and you need to explain it all?

@scurry >Why do you assume nobody knows anything and you need to explain it all?

Because I served my time on Facebook. 🗨️

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