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So I have to check someone's religious affiliation BEFORE I eat them? That's bullshit!

EricTrommater 9 Mar 20
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South Park

Livinlife Level 9 Mar 20, 2018

Kind of funny when people conceived hell as this torture chamber based on some warped BDSM fantasy.

If hell is always looking for more souls, why would the Devil punish you for going there? He was “God’s” reject and hates him for banishing him to a specific place. If Lucifer wants to take over heaven, he could use all the souls he can get. He’s sure as hell not gonna be hating on those with him.

For a place that’s so supposedly bad, at least you know where you stand. Meanwhile, the only criteria for God to select your for heaven is random and HIS will as though repenting and your body of work in your time on earth somehow gets your foot in the door.

If death row inmates repent and accept Jesus, they have a chance to get to heaven, same as John and Suzy Q Christian who spent their entire lives in benevolence.

So if you’re in the same place as the pastor, who molested you and the guy who killed and ate 20 people and because they were randomly picked to go into this exclusive VIP club for souls, wouldn’t that truly be Hell for you? Nothing you did really mattered, because you share the same space as those who were assholes on earth.

That’s just the Bible, not to mention all these different variations of the same book and denominations.

Meanwhile, you have hundreds of millions of blind worshipers around the world, who are okay with that as long as some exclusive “seat” that’s not really exclusive seat is saved for you for this magical utopia that doesn’t exist.

There are far better and far more imaginative works of fiction out there.

Vipyr82 Level 7 Mar 20, 2018

So, they're against vegetable & meat eaters??? Wonder what they eat? Tho I know what they're fed!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 20, 2018

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