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Sorry . . . I'm on a Karma kick today but this would be so poetic

bookofmorons 9 Nov 10
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I don't know how to break this to you, but one of them is already dead.

good start


Hmmm.... so thinking folks that have different political views should die... Just curious, do you folks still keep brown shirts with Sturmabteilung insignia pins on the lapels? 😒👌

@altschmerz What policy exactly would lead to it being legal to sell toxic consumables? And what company would stay in business doing such a thing?
You're trying to justify wanting someone to die, because they would rather be responsible for their own life, instead of having the Government playing big brother.. Do you not see how fucked up that is?

"And what company would stay in business doing such a thing?" LMAO - where to start = the tobacco industry (good for pregnant women and children), the Asbestos industry, the auto sector (remember Unsafe at Any Speed), the coal industry (Black lung, explosions, child labor, etc), etc etc. need more?

@bookofmoron Now there's a fare point, but now you're talking about different situations; 1-there was a time when they didn't know what cancer was, or that smoking gave it to you,, or asbestos, etc.. Ignorance is a fickle bitch for sure.. And, Tobacco Companies lied about it when they did find out.. These are different times. People these days (not all obviously.. hence the 'Vape' industry..) are much more health conscious. 2- You will always have people out there that will do stuff to their bodies regardless of the warnings by doctors.. To that, I say the hell with them.. If they knowingly put poison in their bodies, who am I to tell them they can't. Hell, I drink alcohol. Are you going to tell me I can't? Do you want Gov. to be telling you you can't? That's my point. When I say 'what company would stay in business'... I mean selling you something that should not be bad for you,, like food or clothing.. Not stuff that we already know is bad for you. See my point?


Would I need to shed a tear?

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 10, 2019

tears of joy or laughter would be acceptable


Yes! The epitome of karma. And no sueing afterwards either.

NHjulie Level 8 Nov 10, 2019

Yup karma baby lol

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 10, 2019

Let that be a lesson for them too.


It would serve them right! 😂


Couldn't happen to a nicer trio,

glennlab Level 10 Nov 10, 2019

Yes, please!

KKGator Level 9 Nov 10, 2019
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