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Actually more of a "Politics" thing, but I've got to try here first. Not a photo, but a link, so should work, if it does I'll try a pic!
Why Third Party Candidates Will Never Be President | Newsbroke (AJ+)...

phxbillcee 10 Mar 26
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It’s a shame the marketplace of ideas have to be stunted because it’s just driven by capitalism.

The biggest problems of a nation shouldn’t be prioritized based on what lobby throws the biggest contributions, but rather the actual biggest pressing needs.

Both parties claim to help the downtrodden and dejected from society but in the extreme forms locally, no one in either party would give two shits about the homeless. Republicans want to cut welfare and Democratic policies haven’t benefitted places like San Francisco and Detroit.

So both have their share of problems, but hey, we always have de facto choices to enable the lobbyists who get to tell us what’s most important.

If politics were really dictated by most popular ideas, then homelessness wouldn’t be a problem marijuana would be federally legalized and green alternative tech would be the norm rather than an expensive choice.

What politician would ever force the automotive industry to make biodiesel the standard other than the current greed for petroleum.

Unless we have parties who don’t monopolize a side, we’re always left for the “lesser” evil and never can choose what best represents your own views without being chastised by the establishment.

You’re not really making choice if it’s under duress.

Vipyr82 Level 7 Mar 26, 2018

Jesus though! That was spot on


Ok, so that's good, let's try a "Meme"!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 26, 2018

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