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It is all fun and games until someone gets stuck with a needle

MikeEC 7 Jan 24
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Why, oh why, don’t meme makers consult a fucking dictionary! I’m a retired English teacher, not a dead one!

EllenDale Level 7 Jan 25, 2020

I am sorry. It was poorly translated. Wheel do better next time.

It irks me too. I am happy to ignore typos or poor spelling when people post but not when it is a meme that someone has gone to the trouble to create, that will be posted again again. Don't people proof read any more?

@MikeEC I don’t blame the one who posts.

@EllenDale I know your comment was in reference to the person who wrote the text in the meme. I was just being a wise guy. I usually spot that grammatical mistake but missed it until you pointed it out.


that's why I'm an antivaxor.......only for ME!.....NOT you guys. You all MUST get the needle........I'm just a scaredy cat.

Sorry. I did not mean to traumatize anyone. Whether one is bothered by injections or not, it is hard to not feel at least some empathy for the little guy in this photograph🥺

@MikeEC It IS an hilarious meme! The expressions on the kids faces are priceless. I think we all just empathise a little too much when we look at the kid on receiving end of needle. 😀


I feel the same way .

GEGR Level 7 Jan 24, 2020

Jokes are always funny if you get the point

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