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Science class

matthew1954 7 Mar 28
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The background education of scientists gives them a good chance to get close to what is correct.
Education is full of bugs but better than no education. Newtonian mechanics was a giant step for mankind. Yet, it is inaccurate at celestial velocities and fails at the velocities of neutrinos. The amendment was the Relativity Theory.
The biggest problem is with company sponsored scientific research. In this case, no good scientists are needed because the research results must be for big profit. Think on mining companies of fossil fuels. Think on beverage producers of sugary soft-drinks.

Guido Level 4 Apr 24, 2018

There are no "scientists" who question eclipse predictions. There are so called "scientists" who question climate change and vaccines. (not sure there are any that question evolution but probably). Hell, we have "doctors" who question vaccines. The prediction of eclipses has been "proven" over the decades, these others have not YET (although evolution is pretty much a proven fact except in the fanatical religious communities).


First of all "predicting eclipses" is really basic math and Newtonian physics...the same math and physics that was used and is used to put satellites into geosynchronous orbit and the same as it took to get a man to the moon. The ones who think they know so much about the above topics are generally uneducated and politically...they tend to be right wing...Repuglican.


With God all things are possible---all things!

The answer is both {A) and (not A) the same time!

Galihad_Z Level 7 Mar 28, 2018

"tea" and "no tea"!



KKGator Level 9 Mar 28, 2018

Because you can't get oil out of an eclipse.....


Cognitive dissonance & willful ignorance!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 28, 2018
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