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Stay safe at home in your pajamas once the streetlights come on.

BDair 8 Dec 8
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Please remember to have your next of kin post your obituary I am sure people here will get a good laugh saying "we told him so..." I am sure your boss will consider you easily replaced in whatever minimum wage job you work at as well...

I have no fear of Covid 19. There are many measures that boost immunity and prevent infection. Vitamin C and D, Zinc, and Melatonin, as well as a healthy diet are good preventative measures.

@BDair Looking forward to reading your obituary soon....

Statistically, it is unlikely that I am in the .0001% of people that will have an unfavorable outcome.


Just the Facts on COVID 19. This is the first graphic to emerge for the spread of the virus,
before anyone could have known it would behave any differently than any previous one. None
of which resulted in such a global reaction. The graphic depicts two outcomes, based on no
measures taken vs. Lockdowns and mask wearing. The first curve follows the general trajectory
of every previous outbreak. This was expected to overwhelm our medical system, which occurred
briefly in New York due to a number of circumstances. But the epidemic would run its natural course,
and die out. The flatten the curve measures were intended to keep medical resources from being overwhelmed at anytime,
but spread out the same or larger number of deaths and hospitalizations over a longer time frame.

BDair Level 8 Dec 10, 2020

News flash the graphic was wrong because it was made by a congenital idiot with delusions of grandeur who has no medical knowledge....
The Spanish Flu pandemic proved this was wrong 100 years before the graphic was made by a idiot flunky for that orange baboon... We are following the same stupid pattern of mistakes.

The Spanish Flu bears no relationship to the modern day.
It occurred during World War 1, with troop movements all around the country
and around the planet. In 1918, many homes did not have electricity or refrigeration,
and diets were very limited, without access to the enormous variety of out of season fruits
and vegetables, and nutrients, we have today. Apples and oranges.

@BDair Geeze that one statement has to be the most moronic thing I have heard this year. Dumber than anything out of Trump or any of his lawyers mouths...

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