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Here's one for the current influx of people on this site looking to have their decision to cheat on their spouse validated.

OpposingOpposum 9 Apr 13
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Ok, here's a true story. You can laugh as I'm doing, or you may find it not funny. When I got rid of my whore, it was because he finally whored around with somebody who I thought he deserved. She was literally a meth head. So I went to lunch with her and gave him to her. Told her he was all hers. They're a perfect match. Been at peace ever since. Ahhh. Lol

Livinlife Level 9 Apr 13, 2018

That is awesome mate.. it's true .. let it go ... it's a really lucky escape!!

@Nickbeee thanks, I feel free, for sure

@Livinlife 🙂


BTW, ladies, I really am single (ok, maybe with good reason, but that's for another thread), I have real photos on my profile, I've never claimed to be rich but I do have a very old wealthy uncle (in my dreams), I do have a sense of humor (twisted tho it may be), I don't cheat, even at solitaire (if anyone is looking), my hygiene is usually acceptable (if outdoors & not downwind), I don't eat much, tho I drink a tot (or 2 or 3 or...). So, I'll start the bidding at...

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 13, 2018

Lol right?

@Blindbird I hear a chuckle, not an offer??? LOL

@phxbillcee 😉

@Blindbird What's really sad, you are the only one who gave that a like. The worst on the post! I thought I'd get a few chuckles from it, but only you! Thanks, dear. A pity like! LOL

@phxbillcee it was not a pity like. I think you're awesome. ?

@Blindbird Thank you, my dear! You've made my evening!


I don't get it either. Nobody cares what you do if you're not married or in a relationship. So if that's how you want to behave don't get married or be in a relationship. It's really pretty simple.

Livinlife Level 9 Apr 13, 2018

So, you've noticed it, too? What in the actual fuck is wrong with these people?

KKGator Level 9 Apr 13, 2018

Idk. I guess you get them on any dating site. Man they are desperate to make excuses for themselves, aren't they?

@Blindbird I felt like I needed to wash my mind out with bleach.
I did have one exception to the rule. Dementia/Coma.

And I can validate so much for anyone but um nope?

@RavenCT same. Thats an entirely different story


Being cheated on and repeatedly lied to by your significant other is extreme mental abuse. People in unhappy marriages should work to fix it, or leave.

LizBeth Level 7 Apr 13, 2018

Well said.


Well they are down right shit heads if they do that.. There's always those chosen few to make the entire batch appear to look rotten.


Haha @Blindbird!! Don't hold back hehe!!!

Nickbeee Level 8 Apr 13, 2018

@Johnsalterego To be fair though ... I feel the same lol .. nothing worse than meeting a woman sleeping with her then she decides to tell you she is married .. !! not the one 🙂

@Nickbeee right? Incredibly selfish.

@Johnsalterego it seems you haven't met me...

@Johnsalterego You cannae account for a good liar lol !! 🙂 !!!!

@Johnsalterego Yeh waste of time that lol !! 🙂

@Blindbird sorry I missed your not the one comment.. Understatement.. Happened to me more than once .. fucking idiots lol !! 🙂


Should Jason Bateman be on that first one? I've always liked him. Do I get another bubble burst?

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 13, 2018

No idea. I just liked what the meme had to say.


Oh, please tell me that's not a real thing! That is just so sad, but I guess I shouldn't have expected any different, even from atheists!!! Still, I'm disappointed.

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 13, 2018

That made me think "Ok so there are fucked up atheists trying to get their fuck-upped-ness validated by atheists because we're all evil as F.".

Why do I get sucked into the normie pages....

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