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And waiting.. and waiting..

mistymoon77 9 Apr 1
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fwiw that is not in the Bible anywhere, except maybe one particularly bad english translation

bbyrd009 Level 7 Apr 2, 2021

I'm pretty sure he's a no-show.

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 1, 2021

imo hedge your bets there k


What about all the ones who claimed to have witnessed him. Although some say that about Elvis.

if someone tells you "here he is, over here," don't even bother going to look
paraphrased []
fwiw there is a clear v to refute pretty much every single xtian belief


I thought it was the devil lurking around every corner or hiding behind the post.
Or was that, beware of Doug.
Its all based on fear, even fear God... 32 verses.

@Castlepaloma well, i guess i could post the # of vv on love (over 2x fear i think), but suffice it to say that if you found the fear part, then fear it is!
but really there is no fear in love i guess, and wadr even fear of Yah is only the beginning of wisdom, which likely means "not the end of it"

there's a few ways to get there; i mean how do you fear something that cannot be defined? etc, but tbh i'd sooner go with Doug! 😀 (i mean at least as long as one is a gnostic)

@Castlepaloma i think the point is that we want the cult of sol invictus ("Christians" ) to be in fear of "the Lord" ("baal" ) until they mature at least; or "to the evil, I am evil" iow

"I thought it was the devil lurking around every corner or..."
you thought what was the devil lurking? sorry


The devil is every where in their world. They can't have a decent fornication without feeling quilty about.

@Castlepaloma ah ok, we started on Jesus so i got confused there i guess.

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