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If Sagan is confused you just know it's bull...

phxbillcee 10 May 8
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Because on the third day god created Rupert Murdoch?


Yeah, that’s what you get for reading literally I guess

bbyrd009 Level 7 May 9, 2021

So, what's literal & what's metaphor & how can you tell? That's one of the problems w/ the bibble, or any religious text.

@phxbillcee Yeah, I hear that a lot, but it really doesn’t hold up to much scrutiny, imo. If you insist on your definitions, you’ll probably miss the point; and that is quite probably the point

@bbyrd009 I'd respond if I knew what the heck you just said

@phxbillcee OK well I’m on my phone, but briefly, the Bible seems to deliberately make statements that people will attach the incorrect definitions to, so that they may then misunderstand; “the mustard is the smallest seed” and etc, When the mustard is not the smallest seed by far, But rather a different point is being made, That a gnostic, or one who has eaten “the fruit of the tree of knowledge” will not get, “wisdom is hidden from the wise”

@phxbillcee I mean like the authors couldn’t put the creation of the sun on day one? These were the most highly educated people in the land at that time; do you really think they were that stupid?

So, you might see that someone has just defined “day” to their own satisfaction, and then co-opted Carl Sagan to carry the misunderstanding forward

@phxbillcee so, to a "changed" (open) mind, see how "and on the fourth day Yah created the Sun" can even be a way to say "don't read this literally," esp including the many other examples in the bible for "don't read literally"

@phxbillcee “ So, what's literal & what's metaphor & how can you tell?”
i guess a lot of that depends on the genre, several diff genres in the Bible, Conquest Literature, Poetry, etc, but there is no proven Historical Account literature in the Bible, from what i understand

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