Also movies about God and Allah don't tend to make billions of $$$$ and have whole cinematic universes built around them.
hmm...the Ten Commandments was pretty big? Even if they did drop the ball on the merchandising
That's a bit of an old one.
Still valid.
@phxbillcee meh, i could shred it up pretty good i think, but what would be the point, if it’s only gonna piss ppl, gnostics, off?
the difference is quite a bit more fundamental than that (mono v poly, for one), and the minority would grow if ppl began studying rather than listening to the ignorant, I said, “you are Elohim” but let’s be honest, ppl would rather define “God” a bit differently so that they can moan about their state in life, right? Or at least that’s why im pissed at Yah, dunno if im relevant to anyone else though.
So don’t get me wrong ok, the meme might make you feel better for a minute, but it’s the equivalent of three year olds discussing where babies come from, imo. Every single definition fails the test
You might note that the term “exist” is a common thread in these memes...but you should be pissed enough at this point i guess
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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