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Every time . Yeah . My life

Pralina1 9 Dec 4
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Which is why I'd prefer

Charlene Level 9 Dec 5, 2021

Or cats.

But if u changed your mind , I know u will had been the best mommy for a dog . I just know . And arrogant me , I am never wrong . Not about humans at least . U can love .

@Pralina1 Never said I don't love dogs, I do. The place I live charges a monthly "Pet Fee"..can't afford a cat or dog..


Yup every time

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 4, 2021

You could always live in a home without dogs...

Or doorbells.

No . I couldn’t live in a home without dogs

@JeffMurray This is the right answer! Get rid of the doorbell! 😍

It's not ''a home'' without dogs. Period.

@LucyLoohoo Cats are amazing if you give them a chance.

@JeffMurray Cats are 😎 cool. I was raised with Siamese cats because my mother loved that breed. I’ve just always had a special bond with dogs though, so have gravitated to dogs more. 😍

@JeffMurray what makes u think I don’t have a cat too ??? Cats are lovely .

@Pralina1 You both suggested that you couldn't live with a cat alone. But they can be everything you need, especially because there's no downside of them being super high-maintenance like dogs are.

@JeffMurray ha !
I had Hermes for 6 yrs . A beautiful black Indian cat w orange eyes . Fluffy and huge , 18 lbs of love .
Hermes and I we were living in a penthouse at the time in Greece . Just us two and my dog , a small hound that I found on the street .
Hermes liked to wonder the night time . And I never restricted him . He will sit at veranda and sniff the air , and he will jump to next veranda and back .
My next door penthouse , there was a small glass separator btwen us . The place was owned by an older man , and he rarely visited .
Well . I guess he visited that night that Hermes went over to pay him a visit past midnight . The old man was in bed w the doors open . Hermes sat at edge of his bed , and started singing . In the dark . W his big orange eyes . I know all of this bcz I heard them at court house 7 months later 🙄
The old man went to cardiac arrest that night , and he was able to call for medical , I remember that bcz big drama at the building . He sued me two months later saying that Hermes caused him to be scared to the point of going to cardiac arrest . He won .
Hermes was the most beautiful and smart cat I ever had in my life . He was a dick too and had a shitty attitude , but hey , they take after their owners 🙌😂

, @Redheadedgammy

I just have to !!!😂😂

@Pralina1 LOL, loved Lady and the Tramp! Those darn cats were trouble!!! 🤣

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