6 10

It might even make it easier to understand.

glennlab 10 Aug 31
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Question for everyone. Why are standard tape measures made for left handed people?


I would say the same thing about reading time on analogue clocks. I hear that young kids nowadays struggle with the concept of quarter to, half past, etc.

Ryo1 Level 8 Sep 1, 2022

That's how I've always thought of it... it's only obvious. I don't understand... are teachers forbidden to refer to the tape measure when teaching fractions now?


I've had coworkers before who have this problem. I would ask them to cut a raw material to 44 5/8" and they asked me to mark 5/8 on the tape measure. I tried to teach him, but apparently some people are incapable of learning fractions.

Dave375 Level 6 Aug 31, 2022

Does a slide rule count ... ?

Pretty useless in actual carpentry work.


This is one reason why we should have switched to metric.

MizJ Level 8 Aug 31, 2022

You are so very right

The Metric Conversion Act came into being, in the US, in 1975. Its stated goal was to mske the metric system the preferred measurement system. The only thing is, it allowed anyone to use their preferred method, and Mericans don't like to change and leaning new stuff is "too hard." The auto companies jumped onboard for for the most part. Now, if I vould only find my 10mm socket.

@Beowulfsfriend In school we started learning it then abruptly stopped. From traveling and such I can roughly convert in my head. Miles to km I use .6 and 1.6 instead of .61 but it
s good enough t not get speeding tickets in Canada.

The 10mm is between the 9 and 11 😉

@MizJ And all 10mm sockets are hiding in remote corners of the workshop.

@Moravian That's better than hiding with the Standard ones. And that's another reason the US should have switched, fewer sockets to try and locate.

@MizJ For some reason 10mm is the most common bolt/nut size so the 10 mm socket is is used more than others and more blikely to be lost.

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