& while we're on the subject of commas...
You don't comma before "and" in Oxford mode as i recall ! so Oxford is same as standard in this case !! But yeh loving the Walken Shatner comma hahaha.
@Johnsalterego A Uk Oxford would read;
"You know Bob, Sue and Greg?" !! You don't comma before and!! Probably different in US yes!! Who knows .. Comma's before and can give me a rash lol lmfao
@Johnsalterego and good day Sir!
@Johnsalterego The most droll thing I know I think is that in Harvard grammar from about ten years back which was popular in Dissertations at college and stuff for people, you have two spaces to start a sentence lol!!! I mean how boring is that. Not to say I will type it correctly when I need to but I do know it .. I have gone for the two space system in this paragraph.
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