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Incels man

OpposingOpposum 9 May 6
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Pretty much

Livinlife Level 9 May 6, 2018

Some people are just so ignorant about hygiene and that's why nobody wants them. Others, however, have such repugnant views that make others recoil in horror. I believe the Golden State Killer was an incel.

mt4704 Level 4 May 6, 2018

Yes a clean kisser can be a TrumpOLINI voter. ...I voted for DR Jill Stein for honest government but she only hates Billary thinking TrumpOLINI is more honest. she avoids any political topic local or overseas ASSUMING we won't agree on anything "liberal" like libraries social security firefighters and bridges are "conservative" ????? FALSE assumptions are what separate good people with good intentions


Teaching a boy to become a man includes smiling dancing and patience as opposed to male entitlement feelings against female duties to fuck them for free


LOL! In my case it's mostly I don't go out much any more & I'm not as young. Granted, I seldom got laid as much as I wanted, even in my prime, but I was a horn dog, so!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 6, 2018

Lol. If only you lived closer...

@Blindbird I say that all the time!


They should be blaming their parents if they're THAT inside/out Fugly.

Emme Level 7 May 6, 2018

Yes...but as a parent...even a good can only do so much...

Ultimately, until they reach 18, they were MY responsibility. As a parent, it's my job to socialize them appropriately & ensure they're not feral. That entails doing whatever it takes, ignoring ALL outside influence, to ensure MINE are not repugnant beings. I can't blame anyone else if I'm unwilling to take ALL responsibility .

At a certain point your behaviour and choices become your own responsibility. These guys problem is that they AREN'T willing to take responsibility for themselves.

Exactly, and then they have the audacity to WHINE about it & victimize others.

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