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Chiefs gotta drop the kicker…

Killtheskyfairy 9 May 16
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Part of the problem, a big part, is many of the empowered women have joined the enemy camp. Sadly, greed has a tendency to do that. For the same reason blacks and gays join the Party that hates them, they are more interested in their bottom line than the rights of those who are struggling to advance. If women voted as a group, there would never be another Republican in office. Or they could form their own Party and defeat both the current ones. But many work against their own benefits for whatever reason, forgetting that the power they have was fought for by their grandmothers who spent their lives fighting for the freedom they take for granted.

I know exactly what you mean, I've seen it. IMHO it all starts when the hormones kick in and the competion for guys begins. My first experience with it was in 8th grade. I had no interest in boys other than playing kick the can, tag or playing in the dirt.
A new boy moved into the neighborhood and all the girls were interested in him. I literally could have cared less but who does he want to be around? Me. There was another girl who really went for him and he ignored her. She literally never spoke to me again. I finally had to tell him I was not interested in 'going steady', he got ery angry and tried to hit me.
Don't even get me started on how all that plays out now that I am 71. When I was 65 I had another episode with the competion for guys, the crazy bitch tried to hit me with her car!
So yeah, both sexes have their really stupid members.
But the cruelity is what I want an explanation for.

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Posted by noworry28Guilty, Guilty, convicted felon.

Posted by noworry28Guilty, Guilty, convicted felon.

Posted by noworry28Guilty, Guilty, convicted felon.

Posted by glennlabPlace blame where it properly belongs

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s typical!

Posted by KilltheskyfairySo, not at all?

Posted by KilltheskyfairySo, not at all?

Posted by KilltheskyfairySo, not at all?

Posted by KilltheskyfairySo, not at all?

Posted by KilltheskyfairySo, not at all?

Posted by KilltheskyfairySo, not at all?

Posted by KilltheskyfairySo, not at all?

Posted by KilltheskyfairySo, not at all?

Posted by KilltheskyfairySo, not at all?

Posted by KilltheskyfairyBlock the kicker!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyBlock the kicker!

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