7 12

What was your first time like? I was with an older friend, country road driving, he let me drive. And said, “You do know you can go faster than 15 mph right?” ?

Cherie44 7 May 11
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I was at a pool party smokin' in the girls room while some chick was taking a leak in the stall we were in. I think I must have been 8 or 9 (started first at five). It was quite the experience, multiple kegs, weed and girls more than willing to take me to the bathroom stalls.

zorialoki Level 8 May 12, 2018

@Cherie44 I feel fortunate to have grown up when I did, If I pulled the crap I did then in today's culture I would have been in prison most of my life

@Cherie44 I agree


My first time was in the garage of my best friend's house with her brother. They ganged up on me. I was 16. When I went home I was blazin! My mother picked that one time to actually be in the kitchen when I stumbled in....I told her my pal had been smoking cigarettes...and was careful not to make eye contact...


13 years old, '67, 'Nam trip weed, concert at the University of PA, all sorts of older girls with no bras dancing their asses off, so happy just to be alive!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 12, 2018

About 30-odd years ago when I was working in another country and sharing a rented villa, someone shared a splif with me and I was amazed that I could hear all the instruments in the music separately and the individual notes in every chord. Some weeks later, I was out in the garden listening to music and watching the flowers, totally rested relaxed and sober. After a while, the person I was sitting with asked, "Do you feel high?"
And I did!. It seems that sometimes, beholding beauty is all it takes.

This is actually beautiful and I agree completely..


I can't even remember.


I don't remember.

CaroleKay Level 8 May 11, 2018

Lol! Love it! Takin it!


It was with some of the guys in my apprenticeship class. They helped me to figure out the nonlinear nature of trigonometry while stoned on my ass.

JK666 Level 7 May 11, 2018
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