Look at how hairy they are. Oh they sure smell a little funky.
Good one
sometimes that could be a good thing
@zorialoki what how hairy and smelly they are? you are twisted~
@mistymoon77 I love animals, and yes they do have distinctive odors. I like hirsute women that smell nice. Yes I may be twisted and kinky, but would you like me any other way?
@zorialoki no one likes their gf to be hairy and smelly. thats just wrong... on sooooo many levels. I don't want any guy being hairy and smelly either.. well I do like my facial hair.. ok I admit it, that will never change.
@zorialoki ahhh yes. but only to be meant as a good thing of course. My sarcasm can be dry.
Don't touch it, it will bite you.
@Cherie44 hahaha
I know zoo animals exist?!?
Girlfriends do too
@SonderOpia But it stated my girlfriend. So,...
@phxbillcee I don't have a girlfriend either. I don't even date girls. You just need to learn to play along. Remember it's better to play with a group then with yourself...
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