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If only for a day..

mistymoon77 9 May 19
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Let's go

zorialoki Level 8 May 19, 2018

I bet that sounds better than it is. I’ll take a vacay there.


Yes with several qualifications ..
Other factors , how much , during which season, and aside from the seemingly gorgeous water, what else is there to do ? ... Would one be cut off from the world ? And for how long ?

@Johnsalterego ya... who cares.. I just wanna be there.. figure it out when ya get there and just go with the flow of tides.

whole idea is to get away and NOT think.

@Johnsalterego No, being real .

IKR! I have a friend who has an airbnb house 10 mins from Sedona...we could go there. It's an alternative health spa with a Himalayan salt sauna, music therapy room, crystal energy pyramid & pool?just a thought?

@musicman2803 This is just something to get away for the day.. to play.. not to live there.

@Emme omg... if only I lived closer, I would take you up on that offer. Dam, that's the stuff I love and need right now. wow. they are so fortunate to have something like that.

Yeah, they are. When I lived in AZ, visits were so relaxing. ?

Here's a link. Check out the photos.



Yup, I'm down! TODAY!

Emme Level 7 May 19, 2018

Color me there.

KKGator Level 9 May 19, 2018
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