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Hmmm green brain

Lukian 8 May 30
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OMG I just suddenly became super afraid of alcohol

Glad someone caught that!


NPR says multitasking is a myth.


LMFAO speaking of brains

Funny video. It reinforces today's stereotypes. In the 40-50's, when women were entering the workforce, the reverse was said to be true i.e. that women could knit, type or rivet all day because they were good at doing just one menial task at a time.

@Lukian ha... funny, they didn't know women's brains back then.. now they know that for sure that isn't true. We are major multi taskers. If I don't have at least 20 or more projects going on at the same time, something is wrong.

@mistymoon77 you know the gender bias in the video is a myth (as it was in the 40 and 50s) and multitasking is also a myth (or at least does not lead to being good at anything).
The sex differences expressed in the video plays into stereotypes instead of representing anything scientific.

@Lukian I don't believe that at all. I know from my own experience and working with many students through the years, how multi tasking works and there are more women than men who can do it. Not saying men can't be men are just hard wired differently. We all know this. Anyway, the video is funny because it is so dam true.

@mistymoon77 I won't challenge your belief on the subject but will clarify my position in case this conversation appears that I'm saying one sex is better at something.
There is no gender differences between the sexes when it comes to problem solving, multitasking (which is a myth) or any other tasks or study. If there is any perceived differences it is because of socially driven gender stereotypes and upbringing.

@Lukian The video is about how the differences are between men and women being women think differently than men. Has nothing to do with stereotypes or upbringing.

@mistymoon77 We may neuro-biologically think differently, although the description on how men think in this video does not apply to me, evidence points that multitasking is still a myth and probably not all women think like you. The women are emotional thinkers and men compartment thinkers is a stereotype.

@Lukian not everyone fits into the box you are describing. Some people just are better at multitasking than others. There is nothing mentioned about that in the video, I just brought it up about myself is all. I don't care if its a dam myth or not, some people do it all the time & I just happen to be one of them. Most women are emotional thinkers. We do communicate differently than men. Well every guy I have known in my lifetime, this video pretty much explains it. You can see that even by the reactions to the people in the audience. Not everything in life is black and white like you are making it out to be.


That's not the type of green brain I was expecting

Livinlife Level 9 May 30, 2018

How about the brain of a pot smoker...

phxbillcee Level 10 May 30, 2018
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