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StephC 7 June 3
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Cosmetic surgery.

Livinlife Level 9 June 3, 2018

I thought she had botox and her facial muscles are frozen. Her expression always the same.

gigihein Level 8 June 3, 2018

Has anyone seen her? Working theory is Trump hit her, probably because she wanted to leave and she can’t show her face till it heals. She has officially not been seen in public longer than anyother First Lady in history.

Don't know but it is strange.

She ran away from home mabe? Or she went to talk to Mueller and is under witness protection.


She's squinting to make the orange baboon appear better.. Not working.

Don't think there's anything that could make him look better.


She is scanning the horizon for her escape from TrumpOLINI Tower with her son Baron safe away from Stormy Daniels and other carriers of STDs


I think that's a Xanax stare!

phxbillcee Level 10 June 3, 2018

You're probably right.

Can you blame her?

@2askjoe no not at all!

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