3 8

I agree with her 100%!


michelle666gar 8 Feb 1
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The US border is non militarized and never has been. There may have been some US Army outposts. Think 1930s-1940s Hollywood westerns at best. Texas was not admitted to the Union until 1845, New Mexico 1912, Arizona 1912, California 1850.

The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.

If you saw it in a Hollywood movie, immediately think that it is historically inaccurate. This act was to appease Southern States politicians and to get their votes for post US Civil War legislation without fearing retribution. It has been modified, but never completely overran, thus no secure border. The resolution of the border will take both parties acting as one. Like that will ever happen. The issue has been building for decades, if not centuries. I would love to blame tramp, GWB, GHB, Reagan etc, but alas the President does not determine this on their own. They need the US Congress and even SCOTUS to truly fuck this up as much as it is. But why should they fix it ? they are fund raising off the issue so successfully. This issue is a great example for those who do not live here, of how much all US politicians contribute to fucking up this country.

@Switchcraft Exactly!!!


How disingenuous of @puff to opt for the logical fallacy of accusing Biden's leadership and what goes down in California as factors mitigating republican racism in Texas.

From the article:

"Last month, Abbott boasted that his administration would do everything in its power to stop immigrants from crossing the Rio Grande, including installing dangerous razor wire along the river that defines the U.S. border with Mexico. “The only thing we’re not doing is shooting people,” he said, because “the Biden administration would charge us with murder” — a winking admission that he’d permit extrajudicial killings if it didn’t mean going to prison.

And when the Supreme Court ruled last month in favor of the Biden administration’s desire to remove the razor wire installed by Abbott, the governor responded by threatening to defy the highest court in the land, invoking language reminiscent of Southern states’ statements of succession before the Civil War."

@Polemicist Abbott needs to be shot! Unfortunately texass is a red state and abbotts way of thinking is horrible, it's like they want people to hate on others.

What he is saying is what countries do to people who cross international borders uninvited. The US had a militarised border most of it's history. What he says is not so shocking with a realistic knowledge of the world eg the Korea's, former Germany, Gaza, most of Asia and Europe. All control and manage borders utilizing force when need be.. I'm just saying borders need to be managed, can't just ignore as the current president has. And his border czar Harris. If you don't manage numbers entering plus provide free services when they arrive, you will make a problem worse not better..
The world watches and we all collectively scratch our heads. The US invests so much into Israel defending themselves from fortified Gaza. Fine with tightly controlled borders there, scruitinizing every single person and good that crosses that border and in the West Bank, all on board with that. No probs denying humanitarian aid to those people, let alone free services.

@puff For the majority of US history, the US has not had a militaristic border. To this date, the US-Canada border is the longest unprotected border in the world. It was not until 1882, with the passage of the Chinese exclusion act that anyone was prohibited from entering the US. Get your history facts straight before you start lying about a country you seem to hate.

@michelle666gar I lost a friend to all of this. He told me that people crossing our border with Mexico should be shot dead and let their bodies remain where they fall. He knew that Trump would be OK with this. I ran that SOB off and told him to never enter my house again.

@glennlab All countries hardened borders after WWI, including the US. The war with Mexico, do you call that having military on the border? I do not have any skin in domestic US politics, so keep borders unmanaged then as it works so well. I think it kills people with virtue signaling kindness.

@DenoPenno That's what is so wrong with the narrative about the people coming across! They're human beings and deserve to be treated fairly not hated.

The article I posted was about the mass shooter who drove 10 hours to shoot as many Mexican's as he could to defend the country. This idiot went to a Walmart off of I-10, plus our city is mostly Hispanic. He shot and killed over 20 people who were just getting groceries and parents outside of Walmart fund raising for their children's sports team. This rhetoric is causing so much hate and it's so saddening to see people believe it and act out on it.

@Polemicist Another funny thing about Abbott is he's from El Paso, TX., and he married a lady from Juarez, Mexico! 😂😂😂

@michelle666gar more proof that there are some jobs that US citizens won't do.


It's so sad the migrants are copping peoples ire. The blame lies elsewhere.
The mismanagement of the border issue is coming to a head. Can anyone articulate the policy? A real real shame members of government there preferred to play politics rather than respond to the many warning signs. A total lack of leadership by Biden/ Harris.
Is there not barbed wire on the Californian coast with Mexico? A physical barrier?

puff Level 8 Feb 2, 2024

@puff This happened when trump was president. The shooter came here purposely to kill Mexicans. Remember the rhetoric that trump was spewing about Mexicans invading El Paso, TX., raping and killing people? All that was lies! The migrants were not doing anything wrong, just coming here for a better life. All of these presidents suck! None of them have ever lived in a border city and they don't know how to handle it. Trump was the worst! Migrant children and women were missing. They separated the children from their parents and they couldn't find them when their paperwork went through. What I think is even more fucked up about this, is these old white men are making rules about immigration, when their ancestors were immigrants coming here and caused genocide on the natives in the States.

@michelle666gar Our lives seem to be ruled by decisions by old white men, no argument there. I hope you understand my stance, firmly believe borders need management and control but for totally different reasons than politically stirred up hate of migrants. In Australia like 20 years ago we had a very contested election over illegal immigration. In Australia they come by boat. The squeezer who got in, Bonzi (little Bush, that time) ran a scare campaign the unannounced migrants were pure animals, throwing babies into the sea to be rescued. TV footage was shown. After the election it came out the people were dropping the children over the side, at the instruction of our navy who were rescuing them from a sinking boat. So our politicians stoop as low as yours, use these people as political footballs.
Australians are very racist when it comes to it. I'd hate to think how our rednecks would act if we had land borders and were armed to the teeth like there. We freak out over 50 people arriving in a boat!!! Media goes nuts. Living in Thailand, they get about 50,000 slipping across the Mekong every year to work illegally. The difference there is, no government support and most cash up and return home eventually. That seems to work. Government free services would be a huge attraction for many in poor countries, think the US needs to seriously consider cutting that. In the big picture long run, that is the compassionate thing to do. It's a dangerous journey these people make.

@puff Right, protection from people coming to bomb us, I get it but isn't it weird that has never happened? Don't you think if the border was really this uncontrolled it would have already happened? Why hasn't it?

@michelle666gar Not just that, protection from unwanted migration and illegal products. management.
Look, your full on right wing types wany a Korean type DMZ border and your full on left types want an open border eg no controls. All I'm saying is both those options is not really management, it's sticking your head in the sand. Management means a happy medium between the two extremes described above. US politics is just so polarised now, no middle ground.

@michelle666gar Re bomb across border, Hezbollah has a presence in Mexico. I suspect if they fully enter the fray opposing US forces helping Israel, then there will be a major problem with cells in place mainland US just waiting. It is a very dangerous game Biden plays.

@puff Terrorists would be able to enter the United States and start a war if they really wanted to since the borders from Mexico are uncontrolled but yet we don't have that problem with Canadian borders.....

@michelle666gar That's only because the Canadian border only deals with Canada, nothing North of them. The Southern border deals with all Sth America.
That's the thing as well. If you are going to beat the drums of war, would it not be a good idea to tighten up your borders? Even temporarily?
Biden is not the person you want in charge atm, because he isn't in charge. Most president are somewhat vain and care about their legacy. Tells me Biden is not really in the decision making loop.
now as any positive legacy is being trashed. If Biden was remotely with it, he would not want to go down in history as genocide Joe, which he will be. You would think you would not want to go down as starting a civil war either' Joe's not running the show, nobody is. That's the problem.
Politicians will play politics, but you would think border management would unite as a national interest issue. It is my opinion both sides have failed miserably in carrying out their constitutional duties here. Instead, they play politics

@puff These supposed uncontrolled border has been going on for a very long time now. This supposed problem has gone through a few different presidents, what's the difference? All of these presidents suck, doesn't matter who they are or which party they're affiliated with. We're lucky we haven't had any terrorists come through these uncontrolled border's. Don't you think our politicians are playing us?

@puff Other countries come to the states to flee, their countries. I have a friend that came here illegally from Bulgaria. It's not just brown people but for some reason it's a problem just because they're brown.

@michelle666gar As soon as you become a nation you need to decide how to manage your borders. Leave then open? Mark how? With a fence? Rd? Leave it scrub? Police it? Create certain official crossing points (what everybody ends up doing). Whatever, just manage it.
Nothing is permanent and managing a border is the same. Free it up in the good times, restrict when needed. Manage. It's a Federal duty, international border management.
Re refugees, the go is you are a refugee until you reach the first safe country if persecuted etc etc. If you choose to move past that safe country, you are no longer a refugee. 99% of the time people do this is because they are aiming for a better life in another country. Now, I do not blame them to do what they think best, but they are no longer refugees. They are economic migrants. These are good people too, and should be welcomed. But you have to manage things like numbers. Manage mean you plan control things, not react on the fly.

People are racist that way. In India the darker you are the more scum you are, always light skinned on TV with whitening cream constantly advertised. Same Thailand. My ex wasn't considered that good by Thai men, too dark. Like I said to my arsehole Indian boss who accused me of being racist, "I'm not racist, I just don't like dickheads!"
Both the US and Australia take many refugees from camps which is what we should do. But we definitely control and manage those numbers. To be true humanitarians, the "borders" should be opened for these people, not the mainly economic ones you deal with now. That's if the policy is open borders.

@puff All I'm saying is if the border is not controlled, how come we haven't had any terrorists here blowing us up? How come migrants are coming over in vast numbers and no terrorists among them? Are the borders protected and letting these migrants in for political theater?

@michelle666gar Terrorists, good people, kids, refugees..........doesn't matter.

Are social services like hospitals, schools, housing etc being strained because of an unplanned influx of people?
Can this influx of humans be controlled aka managed to ease pressures on services?

The answer is "Yes" to both. But there is no will to manage.
It is political theatre, as most overseas wars are, but unfortunately political theatre can have real consequences.

@michelle666gar Here's an interview with a FBI whistleblower. Talks about a lot of things, but also the border. He says basically what I am saying.

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Posted by michelle666garLMAO!!!! 😂😂😂😂

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