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LMAO!!!! 😂😂😂😂

michelle666gar 8 Nov 19
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Mooolah Level 8 Nov 20, 2023

@Mooolah Viva la raza! America was always Mexico!

@michelle666gar Indeed. Practically half of the USA was Mexico's via Spanish colonialism. Sold to the US for pennies on the dollar without the people's consent by the dictator. []

@Mooolah And we're told go back to your country by some colonizers! 🙄

@michelle666gar Mexicans are mostly a mix of euro & indigenous DNA. To me that makes them more entitled to land issues than the Euros that think they are superior because they are Irish or German etc. So the fact that brown folks are immigrating due to our governments previous support for despots, is the cause of the border backlash. The euro immigrants were fleeing the same thing but have little empathy. I can not stomach bigots & I confront them always which gets me into trouble. So I rehearse my come backs attempting to bring some thinking to their fermenting brains. Euro says "My family has been here for 6 generations." I say, "My friend here's (who is Mexican Indian/African Venezualian) family goes back 14 generations." They usually just stare at me.

@Mooolah It's true! They don't realize what they're saying! They don't realize the history!

@michelle666gar Do we teach history anymore? It was highly biased anyway, excluding myriads of those who were not euro,male,straight, christians.

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Posted by michelle666garLMAO!!!! 😂😂😂😂

Posted by HankHunter13light my fire

Posted by HankHunter13long hair

Posted by HankHunter13Same Difference

Posted by HankHunter13The Invisible Man

Posted by HankHunter13Nailed it

Posted by HankHunter13you're saved

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Merry princemass, solstice festivals of lights, and all of my purple life.

Posted by HankHunter13"no, you cannot possess me." -judy tenuda

Posted by HankHunter13but there's more of us than them

Posted by MichelleGar1This is a truth, I will never understand why some of us believe in religions that were forced on us!

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