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What I said about border cities and the hatred that's happening!


michelle666gar 8 Feb 3
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Managing internation borders is a Federal matter not a state one. Someone likes saying "the buck stops here" and they are correct, ultimate responsibility resides with the potus in the US.
This has been a high profile issue since Trump ran on it. So that's 8 years at least. The warning signs things were not all OK at the Southern border have been there for ages. There has been no management or very poor reactionary management at best.
America is a democracy. So if you are not happy with the way the potus manages your border atm, vote them out. If you don't......................................
Democrats cannot blame Trump for ever. He showed as potus you can get things done regarding border issues. Instead, Biden does nothing at all, a lack of will. You elected him, "the adult", to make things "right" again. Well, things are back on track for Biden, he's done his job. Feeding at the military industrial complex trough is back! His donors are happy, that's all that matters.
Keep messaging the other option is worse. The public fall for it every time. They'll forgive us for Afghanistan, Nord Stream, Ukraine and Gaza. The economic pain caused through policy, the out of control debt.
If genocide Joe is re-elected, the US deserves to go to shit because he enables crimes against humanity and is an environmental terrorist (Nord Stream).

puff Level 8 Feb 3, 2024

@puff It's just a game and funded by our government.....

You are once again wrong when it come to American history. Immigration has been a high priority issue since at least the 1880s. It has been a plank in every major party platform since the turn of the 20th century. Reagan was the last time meaningful immigration reform was passed, due to non enforcement of the previous immigration statutes by his administration. Since2008, not one single republican has voted for an immigration bill.

Your understanding of US politics is just as bad as your understanding of US history. The President is the chief law enforcement officer, but can only enforce laws with the money that has been given to him by congress.

Just like Australia, politicians don't have a problem with white immigration, they have a problem with brown, black and yellow immigration.

You did real well on this issue until you started backing Trump. American border issues go way back before Trump. Nobody seems to talk about it unless they sign in with Trump.

@DenoPenno I said Trump proved the potus can actually do something. Legislation all there, enforce it..
@Glenlab Perhaps you should listen to Matt Gatz, whatever his name is. When you request budgets from Congress, do it's like it's meant to be done ie single issue votes, not lump multiple requests together, slipping in other monies unable to pass by itself. It's a favourite trick of Democrats, no doubt GOP guilty as well.
EG stop the Ukraine funding being tied to border budgets, worth a try by your "leaders" you think?

@puff It is t the responsibility of the president to submit a comprehensive budget. Matt Gaetz is a know nothing pedophile, no wonder you like him. The tieing budget items together in supplemental funding has been done since we have been budgeting.

@glennlab Why do I always get the feeling that foreigners are telling us all about our government? I don't follow their government.

@DenoPenno They think they know because they read something somewhere that made them an expert even though they have no background.

@DenoPenno Because your government causes pain and misery around the world. Stop sticking your fingers in everything causing shit and atm, stop supporting genocide, Oh well, you have the dementias adult in charge now. He left the front door wide open.
Ukraine is about to collapse, gunna have fun watching all the tears here

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