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It's difficult being an anti-theist in the Asian community. I'm not accepted by them because I'm not like them. They say I am too white.

ShuMei2018 7 Oct 14
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I get that. I'm a half breed myself. On one side of my family I was the little white kid and on the other I was the little brown kid. Not that either side wasn't totally loving and accepting in my case but still you can't help but feel like your not one of them when they are all different.


I hear ya. That's one reason why I'm glad I moved to California (from the Philippines). I can be more true to myself here and most people don't care and mind their own business.


We're you born in the United States?

@ShuMei2018 so because you are from Asia but have moved to the U.S. they expect you to still act and believe as they do?

@ShuMei2018 I think that a lot of cultures still practice misogyny and male dominance. Do you think it's their lack of education? Not wanting to do away with the old ways? I'm Hispanic and I was born in the U.S. but I even experience this where I live! I don't care what other's say or think about me being outspoken and such

@ShuMei2018 so true! To this day still trying to change it!

@Logoleptic yes they sure do


That's so sad!

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