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White people being a minority in several states including California Hawaii and New Mexico with a few others to be added soon. I ask if this group accepts white people as a fellow minority heathen?

Tejas 8 June 2
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When you traced your ancestors what did you discover about your ethnicity?

Polemicist Level 7 June 3, 2024

According to 23 and me and my grandmother's genealogy research, a majority of my fathers side come from Scotland some in England some in France and some in Ireland. My mother's genealogy is mostly lost due to her being adopted, we have discovered her biological parents and siblings though. According to them they have a decent chunk of native in them, some physical traits are there but they just look white to me. Where I live in the us there are lots of native tribes, and a majority of them look like white people to me.


What a sneakily nasty racist question to pose.
I have spent my entire life striving to be seen as a Person, period.

What's racist about it?


There is such a thing as white privilege. But it not just Anglo-Saxon privilege. In Thailand you are bombarded with whitening cream commercials which in Thai proclaim "white skin beautiful" and all the soapie stars are very fair skinned, you never see a dark skinned Thai in them. The same in India.
Americans are Americans and it is politicians and media there who constantly crap on about Latino's or blacks etc. Don't really see UK media do that, except with Muslims.

puff Level 8 June 2, 2024

I mean here in the us alot of people think tan is more attractive.

@Tejas Whatever gets you off, but it says nothing about a persons competence. A lot of people think plastic surgery/ botox etc looks attractive. I think it looks plastic.

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Posted by HankHunter13Nailed it

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Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Merry princemass, solstice festivals of lights, and all of my purple life.

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Posted by MichelleGar1This is a truth, I will never understand why some of us believe in religions that were forced on us!

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