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Some of my pro-gun control friends have bought guns and most seem to be taking my advice to get expert training and practice regularly.

Some of the biggest advocates for gun control in my facebook groups (lol yeah I know pointless) are really quiet about open carry during protests.

Has anyone changed their views on gun control or become more supportive of gun rights recently?

Here's my normal bit on gun control laws. Again, I advocate for a comprehensive plan with some legislation and a lot of non-legislative interventions. A purely legislative approach doesn't seem to work on any issue in the USA.

Why is restrictive legislation pretty much our entire focus on reducing gun violence?

Please notice I'm not saying legislation has no place in reducing gun violence.

We ran with restrictive legislation on alcohol prohibition and know that was a radical failure.

We tweaked it a bit for drug abuse, but still focused on restrictive legislation. That was also a radical failure.

I believe a mix of informal interventions aimed at maximizing safety, prevention and education combined with legislation is a good place to start with most problems. We've had good success in reducing other issues like drunk driving using this strategy.

Yes, other countries that largely supported gun bans and confiscation reduced their gun violence via mostly restrictive legislation. The USA as a whole would not tolerate sweeping gun bans and confiscation.

Full disclosure, I'm mostly pro all rights, I'm not a troll. I want fewer gun injuries and deaths.

educatedredneck 7 July 26
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It’s true MADDs successful programs started out of frustration with ineffective DUI laws. Heavy use of advertising, massive PR campaigns, including graphic and moving pleas from survivors, could likewise apply to tragic senseless gun deaths in public sentiment. They also had enforcement incentives for police departments. Maybe “friends don’t let friends be irresponsible gun owners”? I’m sure there are multiple angles besides legislation that can be deployed. Teen pregnancy is another social problem that has responded well to alternative approaches. Voluntary compliance is always better than enforcement.

NJSnarky Level 6 July 26, 2020

Exactly, the problems we're confronting with much efficacy seems to use legislation, PR campaigns, education...anything we can throw at the problem.

It's weird how we seem to fixate on legislation as the only way to impact gun violence.


I'd like to see safety training mandatory for gun ownership . Testing for competency for conceled carry and liability for securing weapons would be a good thing . Background checks because some people shouldn't be allowed to own guns .

Besalbub Level 8 July 26, 2020

All that's still restrictive legislation. Again, I'm not against all legislation, I'm opposed to fixating on legislation.

Often, if we mandate something its just a check in the box but doesn't have the intended impact.

Finally, I don't think we can think of any other problem (and in saying gun violence is a big problem we need better answers) where nearly all our solutions end up restricting responsible people. That approach will have predictable backlash.

I criticize everything I support when appropriate. It's an extremely pro-gun person who strongly advocates gun safety which is stupid bc we know guns and gun safety better than most who just advocate for legislation

@SeaGreenEyez we already have more guns than people. As for rounding up guns, well yeah a few high profile politicians have called for exactly that. When Beto called for door to door confiscation of ARs last year, the Democrat audience applauded. It's not a huge stretch to think gun confiscation is what some want when thousands are applauding that very thing and nationally very few Democrat leaders criticized that extreme stance.

I also carry extra insurance and I'm a member of US Law shield. I believe every right has a corresponding responsibility. I try to be an informed voter. I train regularly with my firearms and have insurance. I could let you walk through my entire home. You'd quickly spot one small gun safe, but opening the safe would be harder than just a sawz-all. Even you had a few days, you'd never find my big safe.

Can you name any other issue where we've had good results by fixating on legislation? I can list a couple small instance, but not complex problems where a purely legislative approach has worked.

BTW, research under Obama seems to indicate guns in "good guy" hands can deter some crime. I can find the study if you want. Overall, that NRA talking point is stupid IMO though.

The USA has been fixating on legislation as the only/best way to impact gun violence for decades.

What's really wrong with thinking about a combination of informal and formal interventions? Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

@SeaGreenEyez Yep, I still pray the god of upended reality for the melting of all guns in civilian hands.,,, including my sons, and yours too,,,, just to be fair, Add the bullets too.... honest is not the guns.... is the people with guns the problem but wishing to melt people is frowned upon, You sure sound like the Correct Example of what a responsible gun owner should be but NOT ENOUGH OF YOU TO MAKE THIS LAND SAFE. I only got one lifetime.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

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Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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