As a disclaimer, the following post contains an image that some might be sensitive to, but hope that most who view this post take the time to respond honestly. Also, again much thanks to those who took the time to interact on my previous posts in this group.
The attached image below is a photo of my Sig Sauer MPX. Just curious, what are some of your first thoughts upon seeing this, how would you the gun control activist classify such a weapon? The reason I ask this is, the next post I plan to do in this group is going to focus on how looks can be deceiving when identifying such weapons, and also how one's own emotions factor into the equation regarding those who propose more gun control legislation.
First impression, it is an assault weapon that has no civilian application. High capacity (more than 15 round) magazine, pistol grip with shoulder butt for a nice secure handling. Shortened barrel that improves the ability to wield the weapon, but cost accuracy. There is no reason anyone outside of a military should even touch this weapon, let alone own it. It is not a hunting weapon. If you feel you need this to defend your home, you have more serious concerns...
Every assualt weapon I saw while in the military was fully automatic. Perhaps you know something I don't.
@Alienbeing I was assuming that the weapon pictured was not automatic. I would imagine that it would be difficult to handle in full auto, seeing as the rounds it takes looks to be full rifle rounds.
@Rignor FULL RIFLE round???? What exactly is a 'full' rifle round, as opposed to a partial, or perhaps a 'half' rifle round? You really don't know anything about firearms, do you? (don't bother, it was a rhetorical question)
But you seem to think you're qualified to judge what should and should not be allowed to be owned by law abiding citizens... What a joke!
@Captain_Feelgood Rifle round vs pistol round vs bird shot (etc.. it could go on...). Vastly different muzzle velocity. Effects on the human body are drastically different. And on that, I am immensely qualified. As for what should be allowed to be sold to anyone, or wielded for that matter? You have your opinion as to what should be allowed, I have mine. I'd prefer not to have a full automatic high large caliber high velocity weapon being pointed at the guy in with the body armor who I am trying to hide behind.
@SpikeTalon You asked for "what are some of your first thoughts upon seeing this", and that is what I did. I looked at the photo, and with no prior knowledge of the weapon or assistance from research, I gave an impression of the possible "features". Judging by where the rounds would enter into the weapon, I judged the barrel length. Judging possible hand position I came to certain conclusions of potential uses of the weapon.
I am no expert in firearms, that is true. I am trained in what they do to people. However, if I were in the position to make laws regarding such weapons, I would consult with experts. That is how (I hope) our representatives operate. It may be naive and idealistic, but perhaps something for which society should strive.
There must be "a balance" that can be reached in regards to gun control. Taking into account the needs of those who desire protection, those who want to hunt, those who want to shoot for fun or sport, and those who don't want to be fearful of the next mass shooting. I am not opposed to gun ownership. I have actually experienced how fun guns can be. I've hunted. I've been target shooting. But I also don't want to have to keep treating people for "preventable injuries". Finding where that balance is seems to be the first major hurdle to sensible gun control.
What also must be considered are the causes of gun violence, outside of simple gun control legislation. Crime reduction, mental health awareness and treatment, drug abuse and the associated societal impact, domestic violence prevention, to name the big ones. In other words, I understand that gun violence is not solved by simply restricting gun ownership. For the most part, over the past few years, most of our politicians have simply gone with a set agenda. This goes for "both sides", and has led us to the situation we are in; a government that is completely ineffective. The first thing we can do is get this people out of office, and replaced with people who will actually listen to the issues, consult with people who know what they are talking about, and work towards a solution instead of perpetuating the problems.
@Rignor, @SpikeTalon what rignor said it covers me .
I have 0 knowledge of types of guns . There is probably no right of wrong guns . Some easier to kill massively . Same ways that simple medicine for maintaining heart function can be lethal in a blink of an eye if at wrong hands and wrong dose . How do we make sure that not asshole doctors are killing people and not asshole gun owners are killing people . For fun , or negligence , or emotions and psych issues . Whatever . How ? How we evaluate and regulate anything that has potential and / or authority to mistreat humanity ?
@Rignor Your reply indicates you don't know much about the subject. First of all what is a "full rifle round" That is a new expression. Second since you say you assume it is not fully automatic, then it is NOT an "assualt rifle" because ALL assualt rifles are fully automatic. I challange you to show me even one that is not. Remember assualt rifles are those used in the military for assaults, not mis-named semi automatics that look similar.
P.S. Forget question #1. I just saw your explanation. That explanation is truly laughable. You proved you don't know what you are talkng about, no clue at all.
@Alienbeing I'm sorry... you don't know what the difference is between "full", "intermediate", and "magnum" is?? (hint, it's got to do with grains...)
And to think that an assault rifle can't be more effective as a semiautomatic means you like to poke holes in the air above your target. Good job missing with the third or forth round delivered down range. I assumed in was not automatic because of legality.
@Rignor Don't be so smug. I am positive I forgot more about guns and ammo than you ever knew. The first sentence of your reply is pure bullshit. NO ONE ever used that terminology. I challange you to prove otherwise.
Your last paragraph attempts (poorly) to change the subject. Note that the term "assualt rifle" was coined by the military to denote a fully automatic short rifle.
You really must try harder if you want to sound as if you know what you are talking about.
@Alienbeing Obviously this Rignor guy is clueless. It's sad to know people like that can vote.
@Alienbeing, I never claimed to have much knowledge about guns. Quite the contrary. I can give a FAT FLYING FUCK about guns. I Only give 2 shits about what kind of gun was used to injure the patients I have to treat. I care about the size of bullet and speed out of the muzzle. We use terms like "full rifle" as short for Fully Loaded Rifle Round, verses "mag rifle" for rounds with a magnum load. We use these terms to determine what the potential damage the bullet has caused.
As far as "...Your last paragraph attempts (poorly) to change the subject..." You brought it up, not me. And wanna know where I heard what I said regarding automatic fire and poking holes in the air? The person who taught me to how shoot and about gun safety... when I was a teenager. He also said "Only thing full auto is good for is suppression fire". His quote, not mine. He is the person who explained why the student who shot up my middle school was able to be so successful with just a semiautomatic rifle. He said It is all in the handling of the weapon, and not how much metal you put down range. Here's the AP link to an article about this incident. []
I was in 3rd grade at the time of this shooting. So not my school at the time, but the one I would be attending in a few years. When I got older, my response to this event was to learn to shoot. That is when I did some target shooting and some hunting. Once I moved away from there a few years later, and started doing what I do know, I realized arming myself and learning how to use such weapons may not be the best way to live.
Just in case you don't read the link... "The incident apparently began when the student, armed with a 9-mm semiautomatic assault rifle, confronted principal Don Rixon at a first-floor office in the two-story building..." This happened on 12/10/1985. What the story linked didn't mention at the time (it wasn't known) was the motive; the student was suspended from school by the assistant principal for having items he was not allowed in the building. And yes, that was in 19 FUCKING 85. And we've only gotten worse. These events were a rarity at the time.
The rapidly increasing rate of which we are killing each other with these weapons is staggering.. alarming... and quite frankly, outright fucking sickening. Guns are used for only one thing: killing. Guns have no other purpose. Sure, you might respond: what about target practice, hunting, defense of the home or self... The end result of those activities is still killing. Just because you haven't completed the act, and are only practicing the act, or threatening the act, doesn't take away from the fact that the "act" is killing.
@Captain_Feelgood I really hope that you don't mean that. Ammosexuals are the ones who will think gun control laws are not needed. I have seen to much in the past 26 years of responding to repeated tragedies to think gun control laws are not needed. I vote the way I do because I want this to stop. I don't want to have to pronounce one more child dead because some asshole thinks he knows how to handle his own gun. And yes, that is a VERY specific example. It is why I stopped shooting, and promised myself never to touch another loaded gun with the intention of pulling the trigger..
In the end tho, here's the biggest rub... Gun Rights Activists and (how you call us) "Gun Control Nuts" want the same fucking thing. We both want whomever chooses to own a gun to be a responsible owner. We want these weapons kept out of the hands of children and those adults who would use them to commit these heinous acts. No Gun Control Advocate wants all guns take away. We understand that there are some who want to own a gun (or guns) for various reasons. Saying "Obviously this Rignor guy is clueless. It's sad to know people like that can vote" is just a juvenile attempt to minimize the views of those who appose what you believe, without even considering that those you appose may have valid concerns. You don't know my experiences. You make assumptions thinking you know all about my experiences. Then you insult me based on those assumptions. Grow the FUCK up.
@Rignor, @Capitan_Feelgood You (meaning @Rignor) are a self conflict. In one reply you smugly drone on, lecturing me about various types of ammunition, and in your most recent reply you say "I never claimed to have much knowledge about guns. Quite the contrary." Additionally the "we use terms" part of your reply is very telling. Who is the "we"? Is it others who are as uninformed as yourself?
Now that you admit you don't kow much, (it was always obvious) I wonder why you tried to present yourself as knowledgeable. I can only conclude you like to misrepresent yourself.
Now to the rest of your really childish reply, particularly your last sentence. You are a fraud, and the one who is childish is YOU. When caught, you cry, just lke a child.
Since you have no real knowledge of the topic to chose to discuss, I'll close. No need to waste my time.
YOU, YOu You war-mongering killer, lover of death, lover of blood and guts, mother rapers and father stabers, ,,, Alice will tell you all about it..
.. You really need to post this on the 'gun control' page..
@SpikeTalon Oh hell,,, I just realized, this is the "gun control'' page.... I just assumed it was on a 'pro gun' page.. 🥴 Too funny!
Despite the pillow talking telling tales , it shows you never sleep alone.
Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.
Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.
Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.
Posted by Smurfing101
Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.
Posted by Tejas
Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12
Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12
Posted by MoravianSad but true.
Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.
Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?
Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!
Posted by Tejas
Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.
Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.
Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.