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40 cal to the temple. But it was a "joke".

TheGreatShadow 9 Nov 17
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I was 13 and babysitting. An 8 year old pulled his Dad's revolver out of the shoulder rig it was hanging from on the bedroom door and aimed it at my face laughing.
He wasn't angry. He was playing.
He didn't pull the trigger.

Scares me more now than it did then. I remember the gun pretty precisely and it wasn't small caliber. Frankly at that distance it didn't matter - I'd have been dead.

RavenCT Level 9 Feb 10, 2019

Actually at short range a 22 LR is very deadly. A guy I went to HS with killed himself with a 22 LR pistol. The officer that investigated his death said that the bullet rattled around in his brain like a ball in a pinball machine. No exit wound.

@TheGreatShadow I know it would have splattered because it was large caliber and if it hadn't been? Dead anyway just as you describe.

Kid had a teacup grip on it - makes me think his Dad had already taken him shooting but didn't get gun safety across.

When I took a licensing course? A classmate pointed a gun at my head again while examining a gun.

The next time someone does that? I won't be held responsible.

If you can't be safe and attentive around guns? Don't be around them. It's too simple for words.


A drunken vet dying of liver failure cornered me one night and put a gun up against my temple. The man was a close neighbor who drank until he passed out with his music volume so high, my house vibrated. He loved 60s protest Vietnam music. I went to my car and drowned him out with rap, which is on the whole not my music, but has a great ability to annoy. He grabbed me and put the gun against my temple. It was a frightening experience for sure.


Well, robbed twice when I worked liquor stores when I was going to college. Twice when I worked carnivals. A few times during my "substance trade" days. Mostly knives & other things as a teen in Philadelphia, guns weren't considered "sporting" at the time.
Pointing a gun at someone as a "joke" is not funny. Too often it ends up being those "famous last words".

phxbillcee Level 10 Nov 26, 2018

It was not a Joke in my case!!! As I see it... people that "joke" with guns... deserve to be "Shot" for Real.

Fucking A right it ain't! This guy isn't allowed around firearms. Period. He's a 4 (four) time felon. A friend of mine showed him some firearms (dumbfuck) he chambered it several times, I knew it was empty. He put it in his butt crack then pulled it out and said "where'd my money?". The owner of the pistol is in CAP. Thinks he's fucking military. They both thought it was funny.

If I point the business end of a barrel at any living thing, it means I'm gonna kill it.



Terror on Tibbets Mountain, Cashmere

Five gunshots. On a recent morning, Karen, Sue and I were hiking up Tibbetts Mountain above Cashmere. We panicked at gunshots above us. Were they shooting at us? Shooting over our heads?

"HEY!" we yelled. "STOP SHOOTING!" I loudly blew my whistle. We halted, anxiously listening and scanning for the shooters. On the hillside above, Karen spotted two men with a white dog. Another gunshot blast, this time on the far side of the hill.

Sue called 911. A Chelan County Deputy called back. He said it was legal to shoot guns in Hay Canyon, but not if they were shooting at us, or over our heads. "Hay Canyon is known for shooting," the deputy said.

I wanted to turn around. Sue and Karen felt it was okay to keep going. "They are heading away from us," Karen said. I felt terrified. We continued hiking, constantly scanning the hillside for men with guns. Turning, we headed away from the shooters and up a different ridge.

We ran into the shooters at the trailhead. They were two young guys who looked like extras from the "Deliverance" movie. "We were shooting at branches, aiming at the tips for practice," one man explained. "We didn't know that," I replied. "It was terrifying. Did you hear us yelling?" They did.

I told my hiking partners I don't want to hike in Hay Canyon anymore. Each time, we have been frightened by gunshots and men jumping out of trucks waving guns.

To warn other hikers, I posted this trip report on Tibbets Mountain on the WA Trails Association website. Also, I sent a letter to the Cashmere Chamber of Commerce.

We are living in a country where guns have completely gotten out of hand.


At the trail heads there need to be signs: “Active Shooters. Unsafe for Hikers and Bicycle Riders.”

EDIT: didn't see the author and handle were both you. That sucks what you went through.


Thank you. I changed Gro's name to "Sue" to protect her identity. Later, Gro gave me permission to use her first name on the Washington Trails Assn. trip report.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

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Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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