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Kindergartener tries to bring hand gun and ammo to school


Obviously just exercising his Second Amendment rights...

Elganned 8 Jan 14
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Why can't toddlers, felons, and mentally disturbed persons have firearms?

@Elganned Lots of gun nuts would like you to think that. I know some people that should not even be able to own a pocket knife.


What hell would make a 6 year old child to bring a gun with ammo to school? We need more info about this story.

Piss poor upbringing. The firearm was probably not properly secured by a parent. The parent should be nailed to the cross


Ammosexual child of ameriKKKans!!!!


Its the guns it has Always been the Damn GUNS!

joe1334us Level 7 Jan 14, 2019

No it's always been "people with guns."

@JackPedigo No its the Guns its the Gun Culture its the Gun lobby, its the Video games that solve all problems wit GUNS! Only one common denominator GUNS. A 6 year old Child who makes a choice to do this is not a person with a gun it is a Gun in possession of a Child. Learn to think the big picture before using a platitude used by the Gun Lobby.

@joe1334us Without a person to carry and use the gun it is inert. Guns don't fire themselves. Yes, 6 year old child has little reasoning power and that is why parenting is so important. Somewhere along the line an adult has failed. So it is not only the guns but those who push the gun ideology. However, I am starting to see your point and yes, without the guns there is no real problem.

@JackPedigo I am happy to know you are opening your eyes to this problem. 22,000 children are shot by guns yearly in this country. Yes its the parents yes its the people or should I say sheeple because of these facts it thus is the Guns. Picture this (guns that only work in the hand of their registered owner) then picture accountability for the persons who are so irresponsible that a child may be dead or injured buy a Gun. So yea it is the guns. We cannot remove the "persons" the only other solution is remove the guns while we address the entire Gun Culture. Now please understand I am an extremist when it comes to Public safety and Healthcare but thats just me...

@joe1334us I have been aware of the problem for over 30 years. I lived in Germany 15 years and saw how a country with a culture of making weapons was able to control who and how people get guns. They think we are crazy for allowing so much death and destruction from guns.
My parent once came for a visit and my dad couldn't wait to drive on the autobahn. He criticized the Germans for their gun control. My mom said that we put speed limits on our highways and they don't. It was just a matter of priorities. BTW my dad did not own a gun.
As time goes on I see different ideas on this but they all point in the same direction; we need to stop the madness.



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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

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