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Thinking way outside the box on gun control

So one of my favorite hobbies is to deconstruct problems that the nation as a whole is facing, and come up with kind of "moon-shot" ideas to fix them. Solutions that approach the problems from a toy different direction than the left-vs-right stuff that we hear constantly going back and forth. Right now, our is faced with a major crisis in the form of mass shootings, and because any sort of action to limit firearms sales is anathema to gun manufacturers (therefore the NRA, therefore all NRA members, and all NRA-supported politicians), we have been placed in a logjam on what to do with them. My idea to help resolve this is one that goes out of its way to keep people who are self-professed defenders of the Second Amendment happy, while also providing a significant barrier to entry for gun owners. The key is that it's a barrier that can be overcome by the same people that can legally own guns today.

Originally, the idea was to go back to the roots of the Second Amendment, the way it was originally written into the Constitution. "A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." This actually seems like a pretty good idea to me, and it got me thinking: why don't we actually have a civilian militia? I mean, we have the National Guard, but they're far closer to being part of the Military than a civilian organization. They're paid for their time, they're expected to stay in-shape, they have to go through basic, etc. So my initial idea was to patch together such a group; one that could respond to local emergencies, and act as reliable witnesses for police. My proposal was that once this group has been created, we tie firearm ownership to being a member-in-good-standing for this militia, who doesn't accept minors, convicted felons, domestic abusers, and people with specific kinds of mental health histories (the same people who are currently prohibited from owning guns).

After a little digging, I actually found out such a group already exists, and they handle all the things that I wanted to add to my little militia idea. They're called C.E.R.T., the Community Emergency Response Team, and they're handled by F.E.M.A. (check out their Wikipedia entry at the bottom of my post for more information on what they do). I had never actually heard of this group before, probably because I live in a town where nothing ever really happens. That being said, C.E.R.T. would still need some expansion before it meets the needs of the idea at hand, but they already have an existing framework to build off of, which cuts down on a lot of steps that I was thinking of.

In order to qualify for this "well regulated Militia" status, I feel that C.E.R.T. needs to add three classes to its certification course: Responsible Firearm Custody, Incident Reporting, and Diversity. The first, Responsible Firearm Custody is effectively a gun safety and secure storage course, but with more emphasis on knowing when to leave your gun locked in its safe, and what few, rare circumstances it's ok to draw it in. Incident Reporting is a two-fold course: first of all, it's how to properly report an incident that you've witnessed to the authorities. More importantly though, it's a way to spot red flags when it comes to people who may be about to perform an act of violence, so that hopefully it can be prevented, and not just reacted to. Remember, everybody who wants to legally own a gun must be a member of one of these groups, so teaching them to spot warning signs will also become a method of self-policing. Finally, because of the Incident Reporting class, there should also be mandatory Diversity training, to prevent the C.E.R.T. from just racially profiling or otherwise discriminating.

Once C.E.R.T. has been elevated as I have outlined, we then simply make it a requirement to be a member in good standing of this group if you want to own your own firearm. Good standing should not simply be a matter of paying dues. There should be bi-monthly to monthly meetings and/or community projects to which attendance should be mandatory. This gives all the members a chance to interact, and to use their Incident Reporting training to see any red flags other members may be giving off. If a member ever falls out of good standing, they temporarily have their firearm privileges suspended, and must forfeit their guns to their C.E.R.T. team leader until they attend three more meetings in a row. The gun is still under their ownership, and if they want to sell it, the C.E.R.T. can act as an intermediary for passing the gun off to its new owner.

This way, I think if not everybody is happy, at least a lot of them are. The conservatives get to keep their guns, I and the rest of the liberals get stronger barriers to entry, and everybody gets a bunch of community members who are invested in helping their neighbors, whether it's an emergency or not.

What do you guys think? Let me know!


Nebroxah 6 Mar 2
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There are some merits to this idea. But also a lot of problems. How would you bring it about? How do you prevent these groups from becoming a right wing vigilante club, that the others feel alienated from... people being people, just writing a rule into a book: as, no discrimination! will not ensure that. I think the whole of the Swiss Army is based on some similar ideas. And it has worked rather well for Switzerland.The Swiss still have more gun deaths per head than most of their neighbours, but a lot less than USA. But I do like the : what other ideas are there? approach and thinking outside the box. This does have a lot of merit and should get into the mainstream discussion.

ZebZaman Level 6 Mar 2, 2018

I like your concept. I like the idea of universal military training that we had for a number of years. 2 years of active duty will help these man-boys grow a pair and not be so terrified of everyone and everything.

One concept that I see as being significant is the very clear distinction between urban and rural when it comes to guns. A farm boy and a city kid have very different experiences.

Going to have to disagree with the universal military training, and the attitude that more toxic masculinity is the answer to our problems. Actually, I think it's probably closer to the cause of them, but that's beyond the scope of this topic.

Although, I do agree that family culture makes a big difference. I grew up on a farm in the middle of Nebraska, but neither of my parents were hunters or military, so that probably had a pretty big effect on my outlook.


I am sorry but I had never been in the business of making everybody happy. I am not going to start now. Since you talk of militia as if it was a club... do you own a DD-214?

No, I've never been in the military. I'm not talking about anything that extreme. I want something that everybody's grampa with a rifle mounted in the rear window of his pickup and his portable oxygen tank in the passenger seat can participate in and complete.

@Nebroxah And I don't want grandpa with a rifle in one hand and a portable oxygen tank in the other participating. Trying to accomodate everybody is what got us in the "pickle" we are right now. If you have not served... don't talk to me about Militia. There is no such thing of a "well regulated militia" in a country with a professional army. There is no use for it either.

Well, thanks for your opinion, I'm sure there are others out there that feel the same. These are just my thoughts on the matter. Do you have any thoughts on how we can stop mass shootings before they happen?

@Nebroxah Remove all guns from all civilians not in law enforcement. Fuck the 2nd amendment.

A month ago, I would have agreed with you to be honest, and I still like the sentiment. But my roommate actually said something to me that I really had to think about, and that was "no one group should have a monopoly on violence."

Although, maybe we could take a page out of the UK's handbook, and separate the police into two divisions, one that handles speeding tickets and lost dogs, and one that responds to armed threats. If we took all the guns away first, then we wouldn't need all police to be armed anymore either.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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