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Ever notice the ammosexuals(luv the term) always talk about all the other things that kill people that should be banned, like cars, but they can't come up with one reason for assault weapons to be legal, because there aren't any legal reasons for civilians to own assault weapons. Always full of sarcastic insults, thinking they are smarter and better than the rest of us. They're more patriotic than the rest of us, because they think weapons of mass murder are more important than human life. The fact that America is the ONLY country on the planet that allows civilian gun ownership at the level we do. They need to find another way to compensate for their little dicks because human life is more important than them pulling out a hair and pissing in their pants.

MikeFlora 7 Mar 8
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I have my issues with Bill Maher, but he make a good point on the topic of Republican patriotism...

Kris725 Level 5 Mar 9, 2018

I suppose the reason they give is the 2nd amendment. Which most people don't understand or choose not to understand.

The 2nd amendment was made with the intention of allowing all civilians to possess the same weapons as the government and military. Governments have killed millions of people throughout history and continue to do it to this day.

The founding fathers understood that in order to oppose tyranny, force and weapons would be needed. Also don't say that the government isn tyrannical, cause I have plenty of occasions where they were.

So although people can have a rifle like an AR-15. He government has drones, tanks, missiles, artillery, UAV's, naval ships, etc. A civilian with a rifle isn't really much of a threat compared to the full arsenal of the US military.

Also owning a gun is a statement. It says "I am ready, willing and able to risk my life and protect the people I love. I consider their lives precious and will favour them over a criminal who would try to do them harm" the weapon is not bad, the way that it is used decides if the person using it is good or bad.

Lancer Level 7 Mar 8, 2018

The 2nd amendment was written so people in state militias could have weapons that's all.

Do you really believe that shit, none of it is true. Nobody needs a AR-15, you can't be that damn dumb!

@MikeFlora But state militia's are formed by the people who would bring their own weapons to defend their settlements and states.

Anyway this will just become a back and forth 2nd amendment "what it really means" debate and that won't get anyone anywhere. So I surrender since it's better than continuing a pointless argument.

@Lancer Getting assault weapons banned is not pointless, and that's how I'm going to do it.

@MikeFlora Okay.


I wonder if they really do stroke the barrel of their gun while masturbating?

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

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