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2 dead, 1 in critical condition in shooting at Texas church


TheGreatShadow 9 Dec 29
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Good thing there were armed citizens there who took him out.

Trajan61 Level 8 Dec 30, 2019

They updated the article since I posted it. I copied and pasted the title. Now it says "Three dead, including gunman, at Texas church where parishioners returned fire".


Thankfully there were people there with their own weapon to take him out with... I wonder if this is another attack from one of those Black Hebrew Israelite nut cases.


To many guns and morons in this hell hole called Texas!

Here in Nebraska, it is fairly common to assume you have a firearm. Especially if you are a farmer or rancher.

@TheGreatShadow down here every moron seems to have a gun, whether they need one or not.

@Redheadedgammy There are legit reasons for one to own a firearm. Here is an example. I was checking fence when another farmer stopped me. Asked me if I had a rifle. I said no. Rare time I didn't have one. The reason why he asked is because coyotes were attacking his cattle. He gave me permission to shoot a coyote on any of his properties. Farming law is a little different. Don't need no permit. If they are killing livestock, or destroying property, no permit needed.

@TheGreatShadow that is a legitimate reason to own a gun. Many of these morons here just want one to show off. Many of them don’t even know how to use one or be safe with one unfortunately.

@Redheadedgammy Sad thing is that IIRC Texas will give you a CCW online. Here, you need to take an 8 hour course. People get so mindfucked when they get one, they think they are billy badass, and want to find a "bad hombre". Shit!

@TheGreatShadow yeah the Texas legislative body are not the sharpest tools in the shed and pass laws like that a lot!


Always the same states.

Ironically Texas has stricter gun laws (in some ways) than Nebraska.


It's so tragic ... and so, so frequent.

Lauren Level 8 Dec 29, 2019

We need mental checks for anyone that owns a firearm. And raise the age to 25.


I agree to both. But we have a big loophole in that we're a country that doesn't generally believe in mental healthcare, and usually don't make it available, so there's no record of people who suffer from it.

@TheGreatShadow How can we arm 18 year olds and send them off to war but force them to wait until they turn 25 to get a gun of their own?

@RoboGraham Good question. You can also be sent off to war at 18, and can't buy a beer. These people are trained. The reason why I say 25 (for civilian use) is because that is when a lot of people think the human brain fully developes.

Look at lots of mass shooters in recent history. Most are teens.

@TheGreatShadow When I was under age, I used to use that argument all the time. If I'm mature enough for war, I'm mature enough for beer, I would say. Now I realize that I wasn't mature enough for either of those things. We should stop sending people with underdeveloped brains into battle. But it's because of their immaturity that teenagers are so enthusiastic and naive which makes them good soldiers. So they will continue recruiting them.

If people weren't eligible for military service until 25, I'd be fine with restricting guns to those under 25.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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