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Nobody needs to hunt with an assault weapon

Berkeley 5 June 1
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Hey... IamNobody and I don't even have a gun !!! 🙂

IamNobody Level 8 June 2, 2018

No one in their right mind would hunt with a semi automatic weapon. I grew up in a hunting area and I know that the hunter needs to kill the animal with the least amounts of bullets possible in order not to ruin the meat. And if a hunter is hunting for the specific purpose of slaughter then he is not a hunter he is a depraved murderer

@Seeker55 yep. You are correct


Good point. Why would someone want to use a weapon designed to kill in order to hunt. Ridiculous right?

I'm just being sarcastic, I think American gun control laws are sufficient enough, people just need to start using common sense. But that'll never happen so you want to give away your rights. Fair enough.

Lancer Level 7 June 2, 2018

I would hardly call our laws sufficient when we we have one of the highest rates of gun violence in any developed nation.

Fair enough. To be honest I don't really think we can call any nation a developed nation. I mean yes we have satisfactory medical care, access to food, water, etc. But our nations are all filled with corrupt politicians and degenerate judges who don't care about deporting illegal immigrants even if they are legitimate criminals who have been convicted.

Also this comment was half trolling half factual information.

@Katrik right on!!

@Katrik, @Lancer how about we start deporting our white boys who are killing way too many people with their semi automatics. Please learn and acknowledge statistics. Our home grown crazies are killing many more people than all immigrants in this country

@Lancer I like the better half.

Statistically black crime both murderers and victims of it is much greater than crimes purported by whites.

But to be fair I'd say if anyone engages in mass murder or murder of any kind they should be sent to do hard labour every day for the rest of their lives.

maybe our lawmakers could actually make sure that the laws are enforced they don't

Our societies really need someone to clean them up.


They are designed to hunt people, that's what they are made for

JesseBoren Level 7 June 2, 2018

Nobody needs a assault weapon for any reason.

MikeFlora Level 7 June 2, 2018

Or if you do.... you really shouldn't be hunting, or holding a gun.

Katrik Level 7 June 2, 2018
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