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So, all jokes aside, what with the shooting of the San Diego woman in that Capitol building...It just makes it more clear that we have to bring focus to what the problem really is, aside from certain criminals and the Trumpanzees that stormed that building, on the people element in our country's spaces:

  1. Apple, Inc. and companies that pull the shit they do

  2. Authoritarians

  3. Domestic terrorists, including in-house ones that tried to hijack the election through public threats

  4. Over-policers

  5. Home-wreckers

  6. Abusive parents, including tiger-parents and narcissistic parents (There is a GLUT of these)

  7. Drug-pushers.

  8. Bullies

  9. Employers who fire unjustly, packmule, and commit other nasty behavior - I have personally seen this too

  10. Surveillers & data miners

  11. Child abusers, including those who try to sexualize, personally insult or micro-manage children (Mrs. Trump, Biden, and Donald Trump, that includes YOU as well as some "every day people" because we never forgot those photos and footage)

  12. Disease-producers. You think the Wuhan lab is bad? Wait 'till you see some of the behaviors of Americans, and how it spreads disease.

  13. Fuckboys & whores

  14. Compulsive liars & manipulators

  15. False accusers, and those who smack-talk

  16. Anti-prostitution organizations, and other organizations that resist political resolutions because they understand morality as something extended against the fact

  17. Harassers and those like them. Some people just never go away/don't listen when you need to be heard, etc.

  18. People who are generally just annoying as hell. For example, I have people who throw trash on the ground in my neighborhood, stare, etc. and it's annoying.

DZhukovin 7 Jan 6
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Update: I also left out social controllers, spies, and their instruments. With reference to intellectual property leaks and stealing, one example being what happened to qualifying U.S. sex workers, they are more than happy to tort people, their rights, and their property through surveillance, stealing, and business torts, such as leaking paid content. They should know their time is limited, because if I keep finding out that this sort of crap keeps happening, I'm going to get really fucking angry. -D.Z.

DZhukovin Level 7 Jan 23, 2021

So all jokes aside...what's your point?

Robecology Level 9 Jan 20, 2021

I left out social engineers from this list. They are one of the BIGGEST problems, if anyone remembers the Cambridge Analytica Scandal.

DZhukovin Level 7 Jan 12, 2021

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