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Okay, just so this group is a bit more valuable and a bit less Hollywood than it was yesterday (Because I did in fact get a little bit Hollywood there, I'll admit)

Let's create a good onus here, which I will spell out plainly:

I think it's a really good idea for us to reach out to our local Congressman or whoever is the designated state shot-caller via e-mail or personally delivered letter, with the contents showing an itemization of local problems. This is not a small task, it is in fact quite time consuming. But I would like for you to explain the state of things, as close to a space-for-space closeness as possible.

I would like your letters to also include things like inflated costs, unfair costs, pollution landscapes, unfinished work, places where work can be created, unsold products, unsold services, social outcomes, etc. to give our government of complete morons a chance to adjust their stupidity, because lord knows they don't know shit. 10 year old kids playing Minecraft are looking out for their space and the people in it with more competency and it's a little bit sad.

-Daniel Zhukovin

DZhukovin 7 Mar 5
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