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Hello all, I just joined your group. I will share what happened to my cousin in Florida today. She discovered that she could not vote today because her party affiliation was changed from Democrat to Republican, when they gerrymandered Florida and made her district Republican.
Therefore, her vote was stolen as will be every Democrat’s who is unaware that this was done in Pasco County, Florida.

egyptrican 7 Aug 28
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This kind of manipulation and voter suppression does not bode well for American citizens.


This kind of manipulation and voter suppression does not bode well for American citizens.


I don't know much about election law, but am guessing this may have been illegal (not just sleazy, but illegal). I don't know. I'd really like to hear what some lawyers have to say about it, and whether civil or criminal cases could be made.

I am assuming the gerrymandering, while one may regard it as sleazy, was legal.

However, I have never heard of a county in any state I've lived in where your stated chosen party affiliation is chosen by whatever happens to be the majority (or plurality) party in that county. I've not heard of gerrymandering having anything at all to do with stated party affiliation.

As I said, I don't know much about these things, so maybe I am just ignorant and this can or does happen legally. If so, I would be interested to learn that.

kmaz Level 7 Aug 28, 2018

Welcome to the community. Has she tried to find out why they changed her party affiliation? Doesn’t sound right to me. I’m in Pasco, voted by mail.

kltuckmn Level 7 Aug 28, 2018

That makes no sense. Can't believe it is legal.

Heraclitus Level 8 Aug 28, 2018

So, in Florida districts, or counties, are now officially Republican or Democrat? I lived in Florida in the 80's and it wasn't that way then. What do they expect you to do now, move to a county you officially agree with?

No offense, but I am not moving back to Florida. 🙂

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