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My political beliefs are as follows:

Plato was right about some things, not everyone should have the right to vote! I am against everyone having the inherent right to vote, voting should be a privilege set aside for people who have earned it through passing several series of tests, some measuring empathy, some measuring critical thinking skills, some measuring emotional stability, some measuring self-reflection, some testing for consideration for others, and some testing for arrogance. These tests would be mandatory starting at age 18, people who critically fail these tests would be exiled or quarantined as such tests being failed critically eludes to some rather concerning possibilities in behavior.

Epicurus was definitely onto to something, well after he died the followers of his philosophy's communes were the best example of a utopian civilization that we have record of even today, unfortunately religious extremists destroyed all of these communes in one of their convert or die campaigns. Epicurean communes consisted of people who were friends, Karl Marx was inspired by these communes but failed to recognize how they encouraged self-actualization, cooperation and civility (Can't blame the guy as neither Dunbar's Number nor Maslow's Hierchy Of Human Needs were developed as a concept at that time). The most I believe we can scale the friends factor up through is by way of utilizing what can be learned from Dunbar's Number, attempts to scale it beyond that have too many flaws. I am pro-communal living to an extreme, if I designed a civilization communities would be designed to each accommodate for 150-250 people max (See Dunbar's Number) and a single leader would be allowed to rule over and represent no more than 150-250 people max, while that leader and 149 other leaders would be overseen by another leader of a higher standing in terms of authority. The population cap this setting has would be set to 37,500 and if it were to go over this, the societal structure would then have to be replicated and enough people to knock the population down to 22,500 would have to migrate to populate this new setting.

The economic system I believe in revolves heavily around encouraging and assisting self-actualization as to optimize both citizen satisfaction and productivity. For every 10 people, there would need to be at least one psychologist who takes them as a patient, this is to ensure psychological health is retained and to help optimize the environment for satisfaction and productivity without resorting to any tyranny.

I believe in a government paid program for free healthcare, and free college! I also believe in a duel currency system where one currency exists specifically for assuring basic human needs are able to be met, while another currency is specifically for extras like game consoles and big screen TVs. In my societal system, these two currencies would be earned two different ways, the basic human needs one would be earned through a mandatory minimum community service hours (48 hours per month), this system will also come with the option to do more than 48 hours a month and bank that up for the following months! The second funding system would be financed through one's headway in the self-actualization program (Self-actualization (See Maslow's extended hierarchy of human needs).

I believe many cultures enable, encourage, or make too many excuses for human toxicity, the culture that would come with the system I would feel at home in would have to instead make such traits survivalisitically disadvantageous. Debates would be treated like a national sport, people who know martial arts would be a norm (important for self-discipline training), inquiry would be a communicational norm and people would be taught to never make an assumption and then subsequently treat such as if fact, some aspects of stoicism would be taught in schools in a class on emotional maturity training (Jealousy, hatred, and anger would all be treated as to being in equal league with that of temper tantrums), everyone would be taught the basics of philosophy such as logical fallacies and Socratic method.

Getting drunk will occassionally be encouraged but the bars where alcohol would be made available would be ran entirely by psychologists as a part of their job as how someone is when drunk reveals with great accuracy hints on their true self. All bars would be equipped with a Inn where those who got too drunk to drive can rest up for no charge at and at least one office for a psychologist to take someone in for counseling.

Procedures that make someone unable to reproduce will be free and anyone wanting such a procedure is free to to get one whenever they decide that they want such.

Secular_Squirrel 7 Dec 27
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I like your idea about two separate forms of currency. Not so much the mandatory community service part of it though. How about if the first type is provided to all via UBI and the second is earned through wages, interest on investments, and other income sources?


Who will be in charge of creating the voting tests? Who will determine whether a person passes or fails? How will you prevent whoever is in charge from giving the right to vote to friends and allies while restricting it to those in opposition? How will you prevent wealthy people from buying it rather than earning it? Will the people not allowed to vote still have to pay taxes. If so, what will you do when the "no taxation without representation" rallying cry returns? If the tests are mandatory, what will you do with the people who refuse to take them? How will you prevent the people who do have the ability to vote from awarding themselves further privileges and relegating the rest to 2nd class citizen status?


A few questions;

1.Who pays the surgeons for the free "procedures"

  1. Who will be the judges who determines the questions on the voting tests?

  2. For every 10 people there should be one psychologist....yea, right.

  3. Who will decide who's in these ideal communities?

  4. Getting drunk - bars run by psycholoigists? LOLOL...

You talk a lot of ideals... but you're not grounded in reality.

Robecology Level 9 Dec 28, 2019

@Secular_Squirrel "If the funding is there"'re obviously naive about politics.

What is trending is voter registration based on drivers license and/or passport applications.

What I'm suggesting is - get some ideas for support and funding for your "political" plans...otherwise you're being terribly naive.

In two words....get real. You're not being at all realistic.


And who decides these things?

Krish55 Level 8 Dec 27, 2019

So, a totalitarian society?

sfvpool Level 7 Dec 27, 2019

@Secular_Squirrel How?

@Secular_Squirrel You still talk about pie-in -the-sky potential strategies with no hint as to their implementation.

Again, I How would you go about implementing even one of these ideas?

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