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Are liberal democracies around the world dying? In the US, Trump has disdain for the rule of law, the separation of powers, and the free press. The Philippines now has an elected strong man as its leader. A few European countries are being assaulted by various populous movements.

TheAstroChuck 8 Apr 18
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My biggest problem with liberals is that they don’t flex there muscle! They don’t vote and they tend to allow things to happen, expecting the righteous to carry the day. I blame liberals for Trump!



  1. Trump is only a major political force in the media. Our political system is actually creating our federal functions, just FYI.

  2. Every political faction has its expiration date, it's okay.

  3. Duterte may have an intellectual deficiency combined with too much pugnacity, emotionality and energy, but that's okay. That means he has more than enough brains to hold office. Yes, if you can only come up with three ideas, and go with the first that comes to mind, then you can be a politician. It's traditional vocational psychology. Worry when they start hiring idiots to be technocrats. Duterte was taking a pretty good position against drug use in 2015-2017, but I haven't been keeping up with his activity since then, since it's not really in the category of US politics.

  4. I want some news links about those movements, that is interesting.

DZhukovin Level 7 Apr 18, 2018

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