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I'm no expert on politics, but I have strong opinions. Trump is not my president and never will be.

mssuzieq550 4 Apr 25
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What is your point. Just to say you don’t like Trump?


Thank you for explaining yourself. It is a walk through the bramells and through the bushes, to quote Marty Robbins.

In this election, more than any ,I have voted in, the distinctions could not have been more glaring. It was the easiest decision I've ever had to make. Of course, anyththing below the State representatives, like judges and so on, I am clueless so I skip those. Geopolitics and our own politics in all it's ugly colors are of great interest to me. Like you, I find it nearly impossible to study up in all the false claims and make a decision. But like I said, at the State level and national level, this one was easy. But my candidates lost. I am pissed off but it is what it for now.

Dingodog Level 7 Apr 26, 2018

I don't think your issue is in your lack of expertise in politics, it's your lack of expertise in language. Trump is the U.S. President as of 4/25/2018, 8:15 P.M., Eastern time zone. So yes, he is your damned president.

DZhukovin Level 7 Apr 25, 2018

He should be damned for what he's done to the environment and the harm he's done to society.


What does that have to do with anything?


That's funny, I don't remember even speaking on your intelligence. Was the word "intelligence" even used? No. I don't think it was.

Anyway, the notion that the position of POTUS is an actual leadership position is a presumption that is not supportable with any direct references, so I am sorry, but I deflect your statements, because all they do is create problems.


Lady, you are a walking distortion field.


Lol, you lose the game of nerves.

@mssuzieq550 Is there a time when you will stop?


Soon, he won't be anyone else's either. Other than maybe the "Sex Offender Group" and the "Incest is Wrong, Always" groups in prison. But I still wouldn't vote for him.

Dingodog Level 7 Apr 25, 2018

He got some of my support because of his stated intentions on his campaign website. I had a large preference for other candidates as well, like Ben Carson, Hillary, Bernie, Gary Johnson, Paul Ryan, and some others, but I think I was very caught up in buzzwords and other memes as well. I didn't vote because of type-conflict with people who typically get the most riled up about politics.

I don't understand your ast couple of sentences. What is your definition of Type-conflict? And why, of all your civic privileges and responsibilities Woul you let what ever that is prevent you from votingt? I don't get it. Please elaborate.


"I don't understand your ast couple of sentences. What is your definition of Type-conflict? And why, of all your civic privileges and responsibilities Woul you let what ever that is prevent you from votingt? I don't get it. Please elaborate."

Type conflict is the conflict that arises between types of people that naturally bother each other. This kind of conflict becomes worse when the parties involved are not lucid enough to understand that they have instructions they must follow, or some other duty.

I did not vote because I did not have the time to do the necessary decision making. If I had ended up picking a bad candidate, I would have been very, very pissed off. At the time, I was studying a lot, working, doing chores, etc.

Political theater kind of kills my brain cells, and I never seem to get a use for it. Reading about political theory, philosophy, policy, etc. and such are very different. My mind can gravitate to those things.

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