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I have probably posted this before, but it can't hurt to put it up again, for those who have not seen it. In todays political environment all over the world, and most certainly in our own country, this comparison is becoming more obvious to those of us who are not to blind to see it.

I composed this list in an attempt to justify my own incredulity as to why nearly half of the voters in our country are trying so hard to toss out our democratic system and replace it with a fascist autocracy. Do they even know what they are replacing it with? They are so used to religious dogmatic propaganda that they confuse bondage with freedom. If I am wrong, give me another reason for working class people to choose oppression over justice. Is hatred of another race that strong?

"Comparisons of Religion and Fascism"
Both have one supreme leader...
Both attempt to convince and convert unwilling non-adherents...
Both are didactic and reactionary...
Both demand complete adherence to doctrine...
Both are incompatible with Democracy...
Both have a militaristic hierarchy...
Both make extensive use of propaganda and lies...
Both employ symbolism...
Both demand unquestioning obedience...
Both employ oaths and ritual practices...
Both appeal largely to the least educated (with the exception of their leaders)...
Both expect of their adherents that which they themselves eschew...
Both resist reform...

fishline79 7 Nov 13
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