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I just joined the site and checked this group because of my life history. Born Nov 23/48, My 15th birthday followed JFK assassination on the 22 Nov, 63. I began a slow course on the manipulation of society by wealth using government, false flags, misdirection and misrepresentation that accelerated over the years and incidents. I watched the towers fall on 9/11 and knew that was not the result of planes striking them. I am a trades man and know the collapse strength of structural steel, the heat of burning jet fuel, (1400F with excellent supply of oxygen that did not exist that day, lots of black smoke) the melting point of steel, (2800 degrees F and one can see molten metal flowing out of the building in the digital videos), I found Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth and believed that organization might wake up Americans. i have concluded that the citizens of America really resist realizing America is the aggressor nation in the world for Imperialist wealth, The war on terror, the reduction of democracy in America and the NATO nations was planned for implementation with 9/11.The assassination of JFK demonstrated that imperialist wealth was confident they controlled the deep state organizations of America and they were powerful enough to take over control of the American government. 9/11 demonstrated that Imperialist wealth was confident of control over the deep state of most if not all the NATO alliance nations deep state organizations. Social contracts in the industrialized nations are being rolled back while third world nations with "cooperative" governments are being industrialized at third world wages and environmental conditions. Nations taking independent economic and political action rather than cooperating with the agenda are targeted for regime change. Class struggle is suppressed by union leaderships in favor of voting for progressive reformists or outright capitalist parties. To qoute the first statement of the communist manifesto which my political education included, "The history of mankind is a history of class struggle" Apologies for the political incorrectness. Marx was writing in a period prior to concern for gender neutral expressions.The content of posts i have seen in this group ignore class struggle and those of the organizer indicate a hostility to socialist thought. One cannot discuss political issues absent addressing class conflict without obfuscating real issues and promoting misconceptions and misdirection even if it is not intended. American redefining of terms that have historical definitions has contributed to a lot of accidental and deliberate misdirection and misunderstanding. I am a socialist and assure readers the term is not what the organizer of this group refers to as the American meaning of the term. Bernie Sanders is not a socialist. He played pied piper in the nomination race and he is doing the same now. The Labor party in the European nations and Canada's New Democratic Party, linked to the labor unions is not socialist. Bernie is a pro imperialist war supporter. The labor parties and the Canadian NDP are pro imperialist war supporting opportunists that sell their ability to confine class struggle to the electoral strategy in pro-capitalist economic and state systems.

DonaldAReavie 2 May 6
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I was born in 1954, six years after you, but I'm old enough to remember what this country used to be like, and like you I have lived long enough that I can appreciate the radical changes that have taken place in my lifetime. I'll agree with you that the JFK assassination WAS AND IS A BIG DEAL. One can divide America into the period before November 1963 and afterwards. The country really did begin to change rapidly at that point. But what was truly significant is that a highly popular sitting US president got his brains blown out in broad daylight for all the world to see, and nobody was ever truly held accountable for it. Killing JFK was not the hard part of the deed. Having the power and the reach to cover it up was the hard part. Getting away with it was the hard part. The most convincing explanation I have read on the JFK assassination is "Final Judgment" by Michael Collins Piper.

skeptic99 Level 5 May 10, 2018

You lost me at "Bernie is a pro imperialist war supporter." What a load of horseshit!

Look at his speeches and his voting record. I don't make comments that are not true. Like love, believing a person is what we wish them to be can lead to serious disappointment.

@DonaldAReavie I will agree with your evaluation of Sanders. He gives the impression of being a pacifist, but he never states that. And while Sanders -- who is Jewish -- strikes me as one of the very few US Senators who is not owned by AIPAC and who is actually a genuine America-first kinda guy, if it comes down to taking the US to war to save Israel or letting it go down, he would take us to war just like Trump, Hillary and all the rest would. I think essentially Sanders as president would put the military-industrial complex on a diet, but he would not get rid of it.

@DonaldAReavie I wish you would go away. Yes, I'm seriously disappointed.


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DZhukovin Level 7 May 6, 2018

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