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Okay, so I made this group a while ago, and participation has been weak because apparently since this group is mine, I'm supposed to create participation.

Below are my reasons why I stopped caring about the standing political ideologies, movements, etc. and decided to focus on radical centrism about four years ago.

  1. Unoriginal, borrowed perspectives.

  2. Innocent people get hurt during protests.

  3. There are other ways to make friends, access resources &
    get laid.

  4. Dissenting too much gets you ostracized.

  5. Conformist atmosphere.

  6. Partisans are a very, very dumb group of people.

  7. Partisans talk about the same shit over and over.

  8. Same shit, different assholes when it comes to politicians.

  9. Everyone’s ideology has something to contribute.

  10. Partisans tend to only favor facts and figures from their own faction.

  11. Reality is not political, but partisans make everything into a political debate, when certain things are already quite clear.

  12. They’re more argumentative than social, and this becomes monotonous.

  13. Everything you say is interpreted politically, rather than just being talk.

  14. Every ideology has a rich academic history that has at least some truth to it. It is therefore easy to refute and debunk with someone of the rank of a believer in an ideology, but it is very hard to refute and debunk someone who is a creator, and writes the books that make up the ideology.

  15. No single ideology is going to premise itself on addressing all aspects of a civilization. This means that better ideas have to be bred for their scope of consideration, accuracy, relevance to actual matters, etc.

  16. Members of factions like to cite bullshit sites like Wikipedia, shady . Com sites, and other hearsay citations with no respect for professional academic sources.

  17. Political factions try to emotionally manipulate people, so they use their time to adopt unhealthy habits, like improper timing of nutrients, like macros, vitamins, minerals, water, etc. This causes retarded growth of the body systems, confused behavior, confused thinking, animal thinking (insanity), wanting to argue all the time, bullying, and an obsession with defending political views….lots of asshole behaviors can be attributed to such political extremity because the act of political extremity, aka forceful activism, is a response to emotions, which pull the self away from proper self-care.

  18. Youtube and other major media channels have become cesspits of the same boring Libertarian, Conservative, Anarchist, Brainlet Centrist, and Left-wing views. Right-wing channels are also annoyingly vanguardist, and unaware of current reality.

  19. Ideologies think they can deliver ASAP. They are so devoid of esteemable cerebration that they have little to no power.

  20. For some reason, ideologies never want to talk about why they tend to channel people into either the Republican, Democratic, or Libertarian parties. This is highly suspicious, because they make it look like they are trying to make a single-party rule system. Our nation relies on checks and balances because single-party systems are inevitably too stupid, cruel and generally diseased to function properly.

  21. Language is not always political, which hurts free association because people assume a greater political context to things that are not actually convergent with the real facts of the situation, which is a collection that often includes the fact that they don’t have the facts of the situation. Lexicology and such subjects fully support this notion.

  22. Well-backed arguments can still be weakly inductive in nature, in that they try to make conclusions that don’t necessarily follow from facts.

  23. Ideologies are mostly made of personalized natural language, memetics and arbitrary norms that are not necessarily the only ways to think, perceive or do things. These ideas have basically always been around since the beginning of US History, and have only lead to the same quality of results over and over.

DZhukovin 7 June 1
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Enjoy being online again!

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One major change which would ultimate create the largest change in, and cleaning up of, politics...PUBLIC FINANCING........

NormCastle Level 7 June 1, 2018

I like where you're going with this

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